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Meghan's POV:
I made my way back over to my house from Sammy's and started getting ready for school. I took a shower, picked out an outfit, and got my backpack ready. As I put my makeup on, I dialed Luke's number again hoping he'd remember the schedule. When I didn't get him I gave up and hoped he'd call me back later.

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?" Jackjack asked me as I was getting prepared to leave

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"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you?" Jackjack asked me as I was getting prepared to leave.

"Positive. Last time so many girls ran up to the car when you pulled up I thought I'd get out with scratches and a a busted lip." I replied." And that's another reason why I'm glad you bought a different car that doesn't have a top that comes down."

"Yeah that was a scary day." He agreed." Alright, just be safe and don't go down Main Street, it's always backed up in the morning."

"I know. I'll see you later." I told him before leaving. I got into my truck and before pulling out I called Ashton.

"Hey kid, whats up?" He asked, answering after a few rings.

"Nothing much, on my way to school for the first day." I told him as I started leaving the complex." Is Luke okay? I tried calling him but he didn't answer."

"Yeah, he's in a meeting with John right now as I should be but instead I'm waiting outside." Ashton explained." What they're talking about is not my business."

"What are they talking about? Or is it top secret?" I asked.

"Top secret." I assumed it was band or tour stuff and didn't mind anything of it.

"Okay well, I hope all is well down there. I haven't talked to Luke much since I was out yesterday and he missed our night call. If you see him can you please tell him that I love and miss him." I told him.

Ashton's POV:
"Okay well, I hope all is well down there. I haven't talked to Luke much since I was out yesterday and he missed lat night's call. If you see him can you please tell him that I love and miss him?" Meghan asked me as I walked into the conference room where Luke was pacing around the room twiddling with his fingers.

"Of course. I have to go but I hope your first day goes awesome. Love you and talk to you later." I told Meghan.

"Love you too, bye." She said before I hung up.

"That was Meghan," I said to Luke who stopped pacing at the mention of her name." She wanted me to tell you that she loves and misses you. Apparently you missed last nights phone call and this morning's."

"I was too anxious about this meeting to talk to her. I'm so worried that he's still gonna hire some girl to play my girlfriend." He explained, beginning to pace again. It was visible to see from the dark circles around his eyes and the enormous coffee cup he came in with that he hasn't slept in a few days." I love her so much and this is without a doubt going to end with me losing her."

"She will understand, this is my sister we're talking about. If she finds out we can go to her and explain what happened; Meghan has never been one to get over dramatic about something or be unreasonable with someone serious like this." I assured him. He continued to pace as i took a seat next to Michael.

"Do you really believe that?" He whispered, leaning over to me.

"I can believe it all I want but it's entirely inaccurate."

Just then John walked in and Luke immediately stopped pacing and placed his hands on his head in angst before looking at us.

"Luke, I've given it some thought and I still think it's a good idea to get a another girl as your girlfriend to raise good press-" when John said that my heart sunk

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"Luke, I've given it some thought and I still think it's a good idea to get a another girl as your girlfriend to raise good press-" when John said that my heart sunk. In the back of my mind I knew Meghan would get hurt when she found out and that she won't care what pointless reason it was for this or about the rule that we couldn't tell her, to her it'll still be Luke cheating and I can't do anything about it because I know the truth. He opened the door up and girl walked, prettier than my sister and smaller than her in a healthy way.

Luke's POV:
"Luke, I've given it some thought and I still think it's a good idea to get a another girl as your girlfriend to raise good press-" when John said that my heart broke. I knew that my days with Meghan were numbered and it was only a matter of time before she found out. Some girl walked in bright eyed and smiling as I stood there looking John dead in the eyes waiting for him to call it off.

"I think it's best." He sighed. She walked up to me and stuck out her hand.

"Hi, I'm Arzalea." She said. I didn't say anything or look at her, instead I grabbed my cup and walked out. I left the building and slammed my cup into the trash before beginning to walk home." Hey!" I heard behind me but I kept walking. The person continued before I realized it was that girl from before. I turned around to face her and she gave me an odd look.

"Are you deaf?" She snapped." I don't know what your problem is but if you are going to make this work you have to act like you like me."

"My problem is that I have a girlfriend who I love very much and instead of getting to be with her right now, i'm stuck here with you. I don't care if you're the nicest person ever, I will never like you because you will forever be the reason that I lost the best thing that ever happened to me because in a matter of time she's going to break up with me when she hears about you." I yelled." I don't care who you are or who your family is, you and I will never be a real thing and you and I will never be friends." with that I stormed away.

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