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Meghan's POV:
"Do we have to?" I whined. Bridget tugged on arm, trying to pull me into the locker room.

"It'll be fun now come on!" She yelled yanking me inside. A bunch of girls stopped what they were doing and glanced at us for a second." See they don't look that scary."

"Well salt looks like sugar but it's not as sweet." I muttered." I don't want to do this."

"I didn't want to watch a forty minute lecture on Birds That Don't Fly so you owe me." Bridget said." I just want to try it. It's my last year of high school and I never got to be a cheerleader and if I don't try now I never will."

Bridget thought it'd be fun to drag me to cheerleading tryouts despite how I didn't want to be one.

I rolled my eyes and started changing.

"All right ladies, tryouts start in five minutes so please make sure you fill out the waver and get stretched out." A girl named Brittany said, tapping a pen in a clipboard. She walked out after her announcement, her long blonde ponytail hitting the door frame when she turned.

Bridget and I finished getting ready, grabbed a waver, and sat against the bleachers to fill them out.

Once we finished filling out the waver we joined the girls sitting in a circle to stretch. As we chatted at stretched, Coach Penny walked into the gym and blew her whistle. Everyone scattered to the bleachers except Brittany who stood behind Coach Penny with her clipboard.

"Welcome ladies. As you should know, I'm Coach Penny and that is Head Cheerleader Brittany. Today is your one shot to be on my team so don't mess it up." She said." Today you will push your body to extremes; you'll sweat, bleed, cry all while preforming the highest quality of tumbling and stunting." As she spoke I wasn't too worried about making the team for I can barley do a cartwheel. When Coach Penny finished her speech, we all got into groups of two; one going to tumble and the other going to stunt.

"Alright, I am going to guide you through stunts. I need two groups; one of girls who don't know what to do and the other or girls who were on the team last year." Brittany explained. The small group of girls from last year worried me.

Brittany started pulling girls from our group to practice and when she tapped on my shoulder I started getting anxious.

"Alright, you three will be the base and Mary will be your flyer." Brittany said to us. She explained what to do and while the other girls looked confused, I had a general idea of how this was done.

"On the count of three I want you to lift Mary into the air, keeping her steady." Brittany instructed.

When it was time I lifted her left foot up but the girl across from me stayed standing so Mary toppled onto the floor.

Brittany marked the girl off on the clipboard before sending her back to the bleachers.

We switched groups and continued on trying to keep less girls from getting hurt.


"Instructions are very important ladies. When you don't follow them you end up hurt and thanks to some of you, three of my girls have messed up ankles and knees!" Coach Penny yelled, gesturing to the three girls sitting in the floor crying while being wrapped with an Ace Bandage." That goes for tumbling as well. I had to mark most of the girls from my group because they didn't listen and were uncoordinated."

"Let's switch groups and try not to hurt anyone else." Brittany said.

Bridget and I went over to Coach Penny who was straightening out mats and writing down our names.

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