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Bridget's POV:
"Are you gonna go talk to him?" Izzy asked me. We were standing by the doors while Ashton and Michael were on the couch talking.

"I want to but-"

"But what? You're not nervous are you?" Izzy asked." Never would've taken such a badass like you for someone who gets nervous about talking to a guy."

"I'm not nervous." I lied. On the inside I had major butterflies.

"Prove it." She said.

"Fine." I went over to him and Ashton and gestured at Ashton to go talk to izzy. He got up, gave Michael a look, and walked away.

"I'm Bridget," I said to him and stuck my hand out to him." Meghan's told me a lot about you."

"Michael," He replied, shaking my hand." Ashton and Luke have been talking you up all week. They said you were pretty but that would be an understatement."

"Thank you." I told him." Meghan said you like video games-"

"No, I love them." Michael said." Sorry go on."

"I was just going to say that I do as well. Although I haven't had a lot of gaming time lately because of school and sports but thank god this is my last year of high school." I explained.

"What sports do you play?" He asked.

"I'm a cheerleader." When I said that his eyes got a little wide.

"That's so cool." Michael exclaimed." What kinda of video games do you like?"

Ashton's POV:
"They seem to be hitting it off." Izzy said to me. I glanced over my shoulder to the And they were talking and laughing." And all thanks to your sister."

"Yeah. Never thought I'd say this but her meddling has finally paid off." I replied. I placed a kiss on her lips and she smiled at me.

"Speaking of, where is she?" Izzy asked. I looked around and both of them were gone.

Meghan's POV:
While the others hung out in the dressing room, Luke and I left to walk around backstage.

"What do you do while we're away?" Luke asked me.

"Try to keep busy; I have school and now cheerleading practice. When that isn't enough I find hobbies whether they be knitting, drawing, or sleeping." I answered.

"You knit?" Luke asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah but I'm not very good, same goes for drawing. Thankfully the boys try to keep me busy with chores and events." I said." One of our favorite things to go when I'm bored or out of stuff to do, we get dinner and see a movie. Always go to this little Mexican place on Main Street and across the street from that is a drive in movie place."

"When I get back you and I should go."Luke suggested." When we move here I want to try all the things you do here; all these restaurants you go to, maybe one of your school's sporting events, All of it."

"We can do that. Probably not the sporting events because our sports teams have sucked since I moved here and I don't think that will change anytime soon." I replied." When you guys move here, I'll make sure to properly introduce you to everything LA has to offer."

Luke stopped walking and looked down at me before wrapping his arms around me.

Luke stopped walking and looked down at me before wrapping his arms around me

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"Meghan Irwin, I love you so damn much. I know this isn't easy but it means a lot to me that you're willing to make it work because I don't know what I'd do if we just gave up and I lost you."

"It's going to be okay." I told him, leaning back out of his hug to look him in the eyes." We did this once, we can do it again. January will be here before you know it."

He gave me a small smile before I cupped the bottom of his cheeks and kissed him.

As much as I didn't want to admit this to Luke, these next few months were going to be the death of me because him traveling all the time will make calling harder than just on Australian time

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As much as I didn't want to admit this to Luke, these next few months were going to be the death of me because him traveling all the time will make calling harder than just on Australian time.

But he didn't need to know that.

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