~ FOUR | 4 ~

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    The rest of the day was blurry, many thoughts clouding my mind. I just met my soulmate, what am I supposed to do now? Just because I know who he is doesn't mean I love him, I only met him today; I know pretty much nothing about him.

    I decided to just leave it be until further notice. We knew of each other, and that's the most I can ask for. I decided to regain my thoughts before doing much about it. The bell rang, signaling that it was the end of the day. 

    I grabbed my things and started walking home, realizing that this week I would have to spend some time finding a quick and safe route. I started walking through the streets before hitting an alleyway that went in the direction of my house.

    I shrugged, decided to go through. What could be the worst thing to happen? One I was out of sight from the light, I felt something hit me over the head as I fell to the ground with a thud.


~ Todoroki's POV ~




Okay, this part may seem a little weird but I'm assuming the people reading this know what Todoroki's backstory is so in summary with his terrible home life he feels as though this is his one chance to truly get close to someone who wont betray him and that he can call family




"Oh, blood" Mr. Aizawa said pointing towards my head

    I reached up and touched my head, there was blood.

"But I didn't-" my eyes went wide, realizing that now I know who my soulmate is 

"Y/N!" I said turning to run out of the class, only to be stopped by Mr. Aizawa

"What does she have to do with anything"

"She's my soulmate" I said while pointing to my head

"And how do you know that?"

"Have you not seen the matching scars?"

"Must've been sleeping. Anyway, I'm sure she's fine. Go home and get some rest, we have training tomorrow"

    I started to walk out the door, getting stopped by Aizawa again.

"What now?" I asked as he suddenly appeared behind he and lifted my shirt

"Shit" Aizawa said and started running

"Hey! Todoroki-Kun!" Midoriya walked back in the room and headed to his desk, which had his forgotten notebook on it

"Hey Midoriya, can you check what's on my back" I lifted my shirt for him to see

"It says Shigaraki"

"What does that mean?"

"I'm not sure"

    I took off to find Mr. Aizawa first to find out what was going on. Eventually I found him, all the staff were having an emergency meeting. I knocked on the door before walking in.

"Can you tell me what's going on?"

"And who are you?" Present Mic asked

"He's the soulmate" Aizawa answered

     I sat down in an empty chair and listened to the meeting. It seemed that Shigaraki was a villain that the police had tried to track down forever ago but had no luck. 

"Todoroki, your back is bleeding again"

    Aizawa walked over to me and turned me around so my back would be facing the teachers. He lifted my shirt and they all gasped.


"Kid, I'm afraid your partner's in danger" Midnight said

Cuts and Scrapes ~ Todoroki Shoto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now