~ FIVE | 5 ~

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~ Y/N's POV ~

    I woke up tied to a chair with handcuffs that nullified my quirk, I was in what looked to be a bar. There were two people in front of me, a crusty man and a purple smoke guy.

"What the-"

"Hello, please. Make yourself comfortable"

"Seems like you guys already did that for me"

    I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back and winced.

"Oh yeah, we carved some words into your skin so the heroes would come. Sorry, but we needed a way to get them over here and you were in the right place at the right time"

"Why do you want to see the pro's? They'll just arrest you"

"You see, that's where you're wrong. We have a plan to kill All Might, we just needed a way to get him over here"

"Hah, if you think you're going to kill All Might then you are terribly mistaken"

"Children are such brats. We're done talking, just sit and be patient"

    We waited a few hours. I knew the heroes would come, but the confidence he had in being able to kill All Might scared me a bit. Eventually we heard a knock at the door, I didn't catch what the person outside the door said but it was something to make the villain go to the door and open it, only to be kicked in the face and launched across the room by who I assumed was a hero.

    When the person walked in, I noticed that it was Todoroki. He stood in front of me and sent a piercing glare to the villain. A few more heroes rushed in, half of them standing beside Todoroki to help him fight and the other half helping me get out of this place. 

    When I was safe and out of the building, Todoroki came out too and the heroes started using their full power against the villain. Soon, they all came out looking angry.

"Where is he?" a police officer asked

"He was warped somewhere, we don't know where he went"

"Okay, well he's out of here so we can search the place for clues; so it's still a win. You guys also saved the student which was the prime objective"

    I had to be questioned by the police after everything, so I was brought to the station and asked basic protocol question by an investigator. It was pretty basic, and I tried to give them as much information I could. The only really useful thing I could tell him was that the villains objective was to kill All Might.

    Once everything was done, they gave me the okay to go. I walked outside the station and saw Todoroki asleep on a bench. I laughed a bit before walking up to him.

"Hey, what are you doing it's late"

"I was waiting for you" he yawned

"Come on, I'll walk you home" I helped him up

"Shouldn't I be doing that for you?"


"Besides, I can't go home"

"Why not?"

"My father was there and saw our matching scars, it was pretty obvious that he guessed we were soulmates and told me not to go home tonight"

"You can crash at my place" 

"Thank you"

"Anyway, let's go"

    We peacefully walked in the dark toward my house. We walked up to the door and I unlocked it, pushing it open to let Todoroki in. He walked in and did a little spin, looking at the place.

"This is big"

"Heh, yeah" 

"Where are your parents?"

    I went silent for a moment and was consumed in my own thoughts. I remembered when my mom threw me out and when Keigo brought me home.


"Oh yeah sorry, he works"

"What do they do?"

"Well actually I consider Kei- Hawks my father. He's the one who brought me in so you know what he does now" I laughed a bit

"Hawks is your dad?"

"Well no, he's more my adopted father"

"Oh okay, so I'm guessing he bought you this house?"

"Pretty much yeah"

    There was a few moments of silence before I saw Todoroki rub his eyes so I spoke up.


"Maybe a little bit"

"Follow me" 

    We walked through the house until I reached the guest room, which I walked into with him following close behind.

"Is this your room?"

"No, this is the guest room"

"Oh okay"

"Well it's all yours for whenever you need it, I'll leave you to get some sleep"

"Hey Y/N?"


"Thank you" he softly smiled at me, to which I returned 

"You're welcome, goodnight Todoroki"

    I shut the door behind me as I walked out and went to my own room to sleep.

Cuts and Scrapes ~ Todoroki Shoto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now