This is The Sad Part

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They say life is pain, well for me that statement is quite literal...


Pain was familiar, so much so that it practically felt like home. Then again I didn't actually know what home felt like, maybe I did once but not anymore.

Pain was all I felt most days...

Day after day, night after night for 13 years. I know life is unfair, but come on this is ridiculous!

But I guess this is what I get for being human in this world. I could have been born anything but a human and have had a better life.

I could have been a bug for goddess sake! Life as a bug would've been at least a thousand times better I could have had my own place, get my own food. Maybe even live in a cute and quaint little garden just in the middle of nowhere while old lady tended to do it every day, oh to be a bug in a garden that would be life. Damn I got so screwed over in this life. I'm lower on the class system than a damn bug, and some days I feel lower than literal shit.

And I feel like that most days too.

I hate this world, it's cruel and heartless. Fitting, considering it's run by horrific beings, I would call them people but I don't even think that's what they are they're not human they're just horrible. And that's the only way I know how so sum up their existence. Creatures that prowl in the night, taking anything and anyone that they want. The world is run by two groups of creatures the werewolves and the vampires , the wolves are the top dogs, literally.

The vampires have power but not as much as the Werewolves. It's a balance of power that I'll never fully understand, and frankly I don't really care, both creatures treat humans like trash beneath their feet either way. Apparently a deal was struck some hundred years ago, and much like the humans, the vampires got the worst of the deal.

Now those are only two sides of the creatures that didn't have at this world, humans were in for a rude awakening when they discovered that they weren't alone.

Unfortunately we thought they were aliens at first but oh no we were way way off, all those books about fairytale creatures mythical beings were histories they were truths!

But after the deal was struck those poor other creatures that were unlucky enough to habit this world, well let's just say most have become extinct or have gone into hiding. But if you're a human like I so unfortunately am, you must reside on one side of the border, underneath the control of either the Werewolves or the Vampires.

And there's no hiding or getting away from them either they practically brand you up birth. And there's no way in 1 million years could you ever figure out a way to get out of the system unless of course you're mated to a wolf.

It's what you'd call a loose loose situation, but hey that's life.

It's unfair and crappy.

I currently reside on the wolves side of the world, as a slave, I suppose it's better than being a blood bag for the vampires. At least on this side of the border I have a longer life span roughly about 40-ish years, but honestly most days I don't even know if I want to live long. The vampires are so much worse, you're used in every possible way on that side. And I mean every way...

Both groups probably would've killed the humans off in the beginning, back when they first decided to revel themselves, but the vampires need a food source and the lower ranking werewolves needed mates and that was usually a human.

I think that's one of the reasons the creatures decided to show themselves to us in the first place. They got tired of hiding away, loosing mates because they didn't know about werewolves and wanted power instead, not to mention the number of kidnappings would go down as well.

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