What Was That?

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Warning: Mature themes ahead- enjoy!

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Warning: Mature themes ahead- enjoy!

Rose's P.O.V.

The bed was so warm and soft, like a cloud. Even after sleeping in this bed for a few weeks I still can't get used to it.  But there was something off this time, the three warm bodies laying near me, were hotter than usual, in fact the entire room was hot.

Which was odd, the house was usually kept at a really cold temperature, when I first moved in I thought it was just because werewolves temperature ran higher than humans did. But I've recently realized it's just an excuse for them to cuddle with me to warm me up.

But for some reason tonight the room was extremely hot or perhaps that was just my body. Feeling all hot and sweaty and surprisingly really thirsty I got up to go get a drink of water from downstairs in the kitchen. I slowly made my way out of the mass of bodies near me, doing my best not to awake the three wolves in my bed.

Which amazingly enough I've gotten pretty good at, and I was much more agile on my feet now. But I suppose that has to do with the fact that most of my injuries have healed, my face was no longer swollen and bruised.

As I escaped and made my way to the door, something definitely felt off about the atmosphere in the house not just in the bedroom. Brushing the feeling to the back of my mind I make my way down the two flights of stairs and pad my way to the fridge. Once I finished my glass of water I walked into the hallway, but I could feel I wasn't alone,

'I must've woken one of them up when I left the room earlier', I thought as I tried to see who I had woken up.

As I was turning around to look at the person, in a flash I was pinned against the wall, Damien staring me down with a look I had seen before that I could now recognize as a mix of hunger and lust. Maybe he wanted a midnight snack?

We were so close I couldn't tell whose air I was breathing, the position we were in gave him all the power and I could tell he loved it. He had both his arms over my head against the wall caging me in, he angled himself in-between my legs, neither of us moved, Damien's eyes dilated right before he pounced.

Damien grabbed my neck not hard enough to hurt me but enough to make my core heat up, I didn't realize I would like being powerless so much. I gasped at the sparks and he took that opportunity to kiss me. Hard.

His tongue battling with mine, I submitted and I loved the kiss all the more. His hands started roaming up and down my body. He lifted me up into his arms effortlessly his hands grabbing my ass, turning me on all the more. I could feel how hard he was, his dick slightly rubbing against me, making my body wet in anticipation. I got so caught up in the kiss I barley noticed when Damien started moving, he slowly and carefully made his way up the same two flights of stairs I had just come down from.

When we finally got back to our bedroom, not once breaking the kiss, I heard a set of growls that made the heat in my core expand and start moving downward. Damien lowered me onto the bed, still just as soft as when I left.

When Damien's lips left mine I whined and my lips drew up in pout, I heard a tsk coming from one of the guys,

"Brother you cant tease her like that, what ever the queen wants the queen shall get," Lucian said, his voice thick with lust.

He appeared out of nowhere, lowering himself onto me, either of his hand on each side of my head holding himself up. He started kissing my jaw, then he started moving down my neck, small moans and mews left me, as the wetness between my legs grew. He started trialing kisses down, down until he got to my top, he let out a dissatisfied growl and within a split second he ripped my shirt away.

My nipples hardening at the sudden rush of air, Lucian immediately launched an attack on my breast, taking one in his mouth and sucking on it, while he pinched and pulled the other one, giving me both pain and pleasure.

"Stop holding yourself back, I want to hear you scream," I heard Xavier say, his voice thick and raspy no doubt enjoying himself at the sight of me and Lucian.

My core kept building up further and further until, my toes curled and I unwillingly closed my eyes, my mouth forming an O-shape, as I rode out my release. Lucian faded away, then Xavier appeared in my line of sight, looking like starved man, he licked his lips and my core began to heat all over again.

Xavier dragged me closer to the edge of the bed, he slid his fingers into the waste band of my shorts and panties, slowly and meticulously pulling them down. The way Xavier was looking at me made me all the more wetter, my core was already beginning to heat up,' Its truly amazing what they can do to me with just a single look', I absent mindlessly thought.

Xavier lowered himself down, my eyes widened at what he was about to do, but before I could stop him, his tongue made contact with my clit and I was in pure bliss. He liked me up and down, building me up, just as I was about to meet another climax, he slipped a finger in shocking my entire system.

My breathing became more labored, a second finger had me near the edge. While his fingers thrust in and out of me, his tongue worked on my sensitive button, he was sending me over the edge.

With a few more licks I was screaming out my orgasm, Xavier removed his fingers but kept licking making my orgasm that much better. After a few more licks and slurps, Xavier raised his head, his face slick with my orgasm.

Still panting after what Xavier had just done to my core, Damien stepped back into my line of sight, his member standing tall even through his boxer shorts, he slowly pulled them down, releasing his cock, my eyes widened at the sight. It was huge, the length would have been enough but the girth of it, no way would that fit.

Lucian and Xavier were on either side on me Lucian sucking on my breast, while Xavier left kisses along my neck. Their combined efforts made release and effortless moan, I saw Damien line himself up with my opening,

Just before he could enter me I jolted out of bed, my body covered in a thin layer of sweat,

"What was that?", I asked out loud, still heavily breathing after the previous events. I could still feel the remains of my orgasms in my panties.

"My dreams have never been that wild before", I muttered to myself.


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