Memories Are The Worst Form of Torture

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Rose's P

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Rose's P.O.V.


Oh how I hate the dark, but it seems to cling to me, how unfortunate. I glance around this seemingly endless night when I see a dot of white.

Getting an odd sense of deja vu.. this is just like when I was on the verge of death, was that good poisoned?!


I rush towards it hopefully it's the light from the hospital room maybe I've been saved again? When suddenly I'm bound by my arms and legs in a chains in the basement, oh no... memories upon memories come crashing down on me, the beatings replay in my head like a scene in a movie that won't end.

All the slaps and punches, broken bones and blood, so much blood.

I'm surrounded in complete darkness but I know he's there watching, waiting. I try to keep my tears at bay, knowing they only excite him more, monsters love tears.

I can feel his eyes on me, like a predator circling his pray right before he goes in for the kill.




Every word dripping with venom, with the hate of a thousand burning suns. The tears I've been holding back finally spilling over, growls and roars fill the silence mixing in with my sobs. Creating the perfect canopy for my worst nightmare.

Golden eyes stare into my soul the growls getting louder, more intense, completely drowning out my sobs, that have now become screams and pleas.

Then all at once they pounce...

I'm shaken awake, two sets of piercing blue eyes staring at me worriedly. My throat feels raw as if I've been screaming for an eternity, tears still steadily stream down my face. Lucian tries to wipe my tears away but it doesn't help, I feel a pair of strong arms holding me, while another runs up and down my back.

I'm being held bridal style in someone's arms, it's so soothing, and it's been so long since I've been held. I don't reject their touch, the tingles and sparks make me realize that it's the Alphas that are all around me.

Even though I'm away from my old pack they just can't seem to leave me alone. Even going as far as to haunt my dreams and ruin my sleep.

I rarely ever slept in the pack house, the only time I did was if I blacked out from blood loss or from the pain, which was so frequent it became almost routine.

Sparks erupt from the contact, it's relaxing and comforting. Wanting to know where the source was coming from, though I'm sure I already knew, I looked up and see a worried Xavier looking back down at me.

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