I'm Not Delicate!

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Rose's P

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Rose's P.O.V.

I'm pregnant!?

What in the world?

"Hah?" Was the only thing I managed to get out. Though that was better than just standing there with my mouth wide open like the three other people in the room.

After a minute we we're all able to pull our selves slightly together, at least on the outside that is.

"I'm sorry doctor, are you positive?", I ask.

"Yes Luna I'm positive, now I'll leave you all alone to celebrate the joyous news", she says cheerfully before practically skipping out of the room.

Hmph at least somebody's happy about the news

A deathly silence falls over the room as the four of us think about what just happened. I'm still trying to process whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. I mean I don't even know if I want kids, or hell if they do.

I mean it's not like we can't afford to take care of it, it would be raised in a good home, unfortunately it'll be raised by a single mother after I kill the three of them...

I really hope they didn't hear that

I glance up at the three guys that got us into this mess, and all three of them have the big grins plastered all over their faces.

Oh they cannot be serious

"What are you three so happy about?" I ask my voice coming out a lot shakier than I wanted it to.

"Were going to be fathers!" Xavier shouts.

Lucian rushes towards me a picks me up and twirls me around, clearly excited about the news.

My head is still very fuzzy from the news, and with the added spin now my stomach is doing loops,"I think I'm going to be sick", I mange to grumble out.

"But I don't understand... I... I mean we've barely... I mean, huh?",I stutter out. Lucian gently puts me down, but I barely notice as I'm still swimming in my thoughts.

I start to get completely lost in my thoughts, not only thinking about how this happened, but why and what are we going to do next. Soon enough I'm spiraling into a panic attack.

"Doll," Xavier says sweetly as he grabs my hands, the contact some how making me calm down. I look into his eyes and the pure love and adoration that I see in them, let's some part of me know that this is going to be okay.

"How?" I ask just barely above a whisper.

He stares into my eyes, searching for something a look of understanding passes, before he starts.

"Well, doll werewolves are very.. em fertile?" He glances over to Lucian and Damien making sure he's using the right word, "which is we have upwards of 4 or 5 pups."

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