Torture? My Favorite

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Lucian's P

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Lucian's P.O.V.

"She's gone!" Damien yells as he runs back inside the house toward us.

"What do you mean she gone?!" Xavier shouts, immediately becoming panicked at the thought of Rose missing, and I'm not far behind him.

"I went out into the garden, but when I got out there she wasn't! And their was another scent mixed in with hers, so I know damn well she didn't leave willingly!" Damien explained just in the verge of shouting.

Both Xavier and Damien started pacing back and forth. They looked as if the earth was closing in all around them, like the end of the world was upon on us. And that's exactly what it felt like without Rose, our world was doomed it was crushed.

Looks like neither of them will be calm in this situation or keep their heads on straight, so I guess this means I have to be the voice of reason. Damn you know it's bad when I'M the voice of reason.

I take a minute to gather my thoughts because I've already started spiraling as well, but one of us has to stay in control and remain at least somewhat calm on the surface at the very least.

"Brothers!" I say raising my voice.

At the sound of my voice, they both stop pacing, but when I see them they have the most frightened looks on both their faces. They've gone from end of the world to 'oh shit!' in a matter of minutes, and that sadness is going to turn into anger and soon enough we'll be destroying armies to get to her

If they were in wolf form they definitely would have had their tails shoved between their legs. I've only ever seen them do that once and my tail is talking to my legs as well that was the day Rose was scolding us for something that we had done. I always feel bad when I screw up but when it's coming from her the disappointment just feels so much heavier.

I don't think me Damien or Xavier have ever actually scolded Rose don't think we have the capability within our souls to actually get angry with her.

"Let's try to remain calm-" I try saying.

"CALM? You want us to remain calm?!" Damien yells. "Our mate is gone, and I know DAMN well she didn't leave on her own accord! But if you want us to remain calm, then let's remain calm".

Well he's a lost cause, it seems I was too late and that sadness and despair has already turned into anger and rage. And the last time I saw Damien this mad he was killing Rose's former alpha.

"Okay that's fair, look all I'm saying is we can't panic. If we panic we're no use to Rose" I hissed.

We both silently glare at each other for a moment before Xavier buts in.

"He's right," Xavier adds glancing over at us, his head was tucked in a downwards position, staring at his shoes like they were the most interesting thing in the world.

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