Meet the Parents

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Rose's  P

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Rose's P.O.V.

After Damien had scooped me up, I was once again forced to basically be dragged to wherever they wanted me to go.

Hopefully they were in fact bringing me to food, but I also didn't want to push my luck by asking for its

We finally came to a stop in the biggest kitchen I've ever seen, it seemed to have brand new appliances, and was so clean you could probably eat off the floor. Everything looked so shiny and new, as if no one had ever used it before.

 Everything looked so shiny and new, as if no one had ever used it before

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Damien set me down on a stool at the kitchens island. Lucian and Damien started fluttering around the kitchen pulling out different ingredients, for beings as big as they were they sure were graceful on their feet. Xavier came and sat next to me on a stool, I didn't look at him but I could still feel his stare burning holes in the back of my head.

"I know you can feel me staring so, why won't you look at me doll?", Xavier says from behind me.

I lowered my head, and turned so I was facing Xavier. I peaked at him through my lashes trying to gauge his reaction, he didn't appear upset, just curious.

"There I looked," I mumbled.

"You know that's not what I meant, now why won't you look at me? Or any of us?" He asked his tone was playful but I could tell he was serious about the questions.

"I was always told when I was younger, that, that werewolves don't liked to be looked in the eyes, because, because they take it as a challenge or even insult." I replied my voice shaking as I tried to raise my voice above a whisper.

Realization dawned on him almost immediately, his faced somehow softened even more. He lowered his head down onto the kitchen island onto his hands we were seated at, and he peaked a look up at me. Similar to the way I had just done before but I don't think he was doing it to mock me...

"Oh honey, you are our mate, you're our equal, some may even say your above us. You could do whatever you want with us and we could never get mad, you could ask us anything in the world and we would never get upset and, if you're looking at us we don't take it as a challenge." Xavier said while looking me dead in the eyes, he said it slowly, enunciating every word, trying to make sure I understood it all.

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