A Date With Destiny and The Kings

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Xavier P

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Xavier P.O.V.

How did I possibly become roses least favorite mate? I'm the most charming and caring, and the other two are brutes! This is totally unfair especially because I'm the one usually comforting her when ever the other two scare the crap out of her. She's so delicate, and, and small. And I can't see how they've made more progress with her than I have.

I've just got to be one of her favorites, I refuse to be in third place in a race between three people!

Which is why I've been in my office for the past two hours thinking of ways to make progress with Rose, and in those two hours I've come up with absolutely nothing. And its driving me absolutely insane.

"Ahhhh!" I scream out in frustration, while banging my fists against my desk leaving a rather large dent behind in my wake.

I'm a king, I should be able to handle pleasing and taking care of my own damn mate, now what does she like?

While lost in my own thoughts I don't notice the two identical figures in the doorway watching my confusion and frustration.

"See I told you he was the one yelling." Damien smugly says, which snaps me out of my dazed state. I look up and glare at them both especially Damien, he's the only one whose gotten to kiss Rose, and refuses to hold back on what it felt like.

"Ugh, what do you to want?" I grumble back at them.

"Well that's just rude, we come in here to help you and you treat us like this. Fine then we won't involve you in our plan to get closer to Rosy." Lucian mocks hurt, just before they both turn on their heels,

"Wait!" I shout.

They both turn around with huge smirks' on their faces, and I suddenly feel as if I just walked straight into one of their traps. uh oh

"Oh good you've changed your mind, now to cut to the chase, we were thinking of taking rosy on a what the humans call a 'date'." Damien says finishing his rushed sentence off with a huge grin, as if its the most brilliant thing he's ever come up with.

"Huh? What the hell is a 'date'?" I ask completely baffled, no doubt my facing also voicing my confusion. As far as I know a 'date' is something on a calendar, which makes no sense as to how well take Rose on one of them.

"Well apparently the human's do it while courting, its how they get to know one another, so they can get closer." Lucian explains when he sees that Damien isn't going to.

Hmm I guess that's a good idea, she would get to know more about us and feel more comfortable around us, and in turn we get to learn more about her and how we can be better mates for her.

"Okay I'm in! What's the plan?" I confidently say.

"We were thinking of the private mountain area where father took mother when they first got together, and she obviously loves the outdoors and nature so she'll definitely love this-"

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