1 - School Bus

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My first day of school... in a new country... and nobody I know will be there...

Ranboo slung his backpack over his shoulder and waited for the bus. He had recently moved from his old home. He had a few friends back there, but they hadn't really spoken since last summer. He didn't mind though. He had never been very fond of social interaction.

From behind him, he could hear frantic footsteps being drowned out by the sound of a yellow school bus pulling over.

The bus doors opened and he looked up at the bus driver. He was wearing a neon orange and yellow vest over his plain brown shirt. His pants were a faded shade of blue. His shoes looked older than he was.

"You getting on or what?" The bus driver muttered.

Ranboo blinked and went inside. The bus was full of other teenagers, all going to the same school. Ranboo smelled a hint of what could have been cigarette smoke. He swallowed and walked down the isle, looking for an empty seat.

Some of the other teens snickered as he walked by. Others whispered, although he didn't know how their friends could hear them over the other, louder voices. Most of the students just ignored him.

Near the back were the last few empty seats. Ranboo let out a sigh of relief and sat down, his face feeling only a slight bit hot because of the half white half black face mask he was wearing. The bus started back up and was about to drive off when Ranboo heard a voice with a British accent call, "WAIT!"

The bus lurched sending everyone jerking forward. The students yelled in annoyed protest.

"What do you want?" The driver asked, sounding as annoyed as the students.

"To get on the bus!" A voice with a slightly different sounding British accent replied.

Two boys entered the bus together. One of them, the one who spoke the obvious, had dusty blonde hair and wore a white shirt with red sleeves. He was accompanied by a shorter boy with dark brown hair and a cactus green button up collared shirt.

The blonde strolled through the isle closely followed by the other. As they were walking the brown haired boy turned around and whispered to the driver, "sorry" as if that would make it better. The two of them sat in the seat across from Ranboo.

The voices started up again and so did the bus. The doors closed and the bus drove off.

Ranboo looked out the window to his right and watched as they passed trees and houses. He closed his eyes and tried to picture his old room, his old school, his old friends. He sighed again and slumped back in his seat.

"Hey," he heard the British voice of the blonde say "what are you doing?"

Ranboo opened his eyes and looked to his left. The two boys were looking back at him. He pointed to himself and the blonde nodded his head. Ranboo sat up and cleared his throat.

"I... uh..." he stuttered. He felt like everyone was looking at him.

The boys tilted their heads, both at the same time, to the same angle, which freaked Ranboo out even more.

"I was just... thinking... about things..." He finally said.

The blonde smiled at him and the two of them went back to normal.

"What were you thinking about?" He asked.

Why are you asking? Why do you want to know?

He looked down at his lap. He wanted to get up and jump out through the emergency exit.

"My... my old school and... my old house..." Ranboo told him.

The blonde nodded and leaned over. He smirked and turned so his whole body was facing Ranboo's direction.

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