64 - The Plan

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Every moment that passed felt like another knife being stuck into his heart. George fiddled with his goggles, watching as the sun began to set over the horizon. Did Clay forget? Or did he know exactly what was going to be said...

Come on, Clay... don't fail me-


Time stopped. Tension rose. This was it. This was the chance he'd been looking for. All at once, George turned around, stared his true love dead in the eyes and spoke the words "I love you!" In perfect tone.

As Nick froze in place, one eyebrow raised to mirror the hand that was as well, George's heart sank. All this time, all this waiting and Nick is the one he perfects his confession to?!

George let his head hang low, his eyes staring at the ground, defeated.

"Good work on the confession but I'm taken. AHEM. What I was going to say is... we need to talk." The normal, joking tone Nick normally had dissipated, shocking George almost as much as Nick's appearance had.

"We need to talk?" George questioned, his eyes meeting his friends once again.

"Yes, but not here. I don't want to be anywhere public if I can help it. We're going to Darryl's friend's house." Nick explained.

The hazbin? Oh wait, those were just rumors. At least according to Darryl.

"Sure, fine, but Clay should be here any moment! I finally devised the perfect..." George trailed off as Nick began sadly shaking his head. Panic flooded through George's body. Was he hurt? Was he dead? Was he seeing another man?

George swept his gaze across the school yard. Maybe Clay was just really slow to get to confessions? It could be a medical condition?

"Look, George," Nick forced his friend's head to turn back to him "we need to get the hell out of here. Someone could be listening. I'll explain everything to you when we get there, got it?"

Strapping his goggles back to his head, George nodded. He allowed Nick to drag him all the way across the schoolyard, out of the parking lot, and down the street.

Something felt off. It had ever since George had stepped in the school, but he had chalked it up to his own nerves getting to him. Rather than complaining about it, he focused on running. Sprinting. Escaping.

Even after turning corner after corner, and despite the knowledge that Nick was practically trained to deal with threats, the feeling that they were being watched did not subside.

-Ranboo's House-

Crisp sounds of paper echoed throughout the nearly empty house. Ranboo placed both hands onto the paper, determination emanating from their person.

"This," they gestured to the paper "if a physical explanation and map of the plan."

Two confused British boys stared blankly at the paper. The drawing was worse than a kindergartener's, the writing was scribbly and unintelligible, and there was a huge coffee stain covering half the page. It was a complete mess that reflected the state of Ranboo and their house.

"Well," Tommy started "I think you might need some sleep."

"What? No! We have work to do!" Ranboo exclaimed, throwing their hands in the air. "I have a plan! You're a crucial part of that plan!"

"We don't even understand the plan!" Toby cried, slamming their hands on the table. No one moved after that. They simply looked at one another, unsure of what to do next.

"This is turning out worse than either of us hoped."


Silence. Painful, long, terrible silence.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24 ⏰

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