The title says it all ♥️
Different imagines about Shawn Mendes which include Camila Cabello, Tom Holland, etc.
Read to find out more!
*Everything that it written is written by me and only me, if taken, further action will be taken. Thank you*
Thinking about your boss is just completely wrong but what happens when you start to catch feelings for them?
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Fuck why does he have to look so FUCKING HOT.
Shit Lucy get your shit together. You don't want to get railed by your amazingly hot bo- NOPE NOPE STOP. Deep breath. Ok no more dirty thoughts.
Message from: Shawn Boss 🥰 Hi Lucy for the the late notice I was wondering if you could come to work just to go over some final things before the pitch on Friday? Love from Shawn x
Me: Hi Shawn of course I'll be there ASAP. Love Lucy xx
FUCK I just sent 2 xx he probably thinks I'm in love with him. What the fuck have I done? Ok ok we have to leave now. ACT NATURE. DONT SAY ANYTHING STUPID. JUST GO THROUGH THE WORK IVE DONE AND THATS IT. Don't be a complete idiot. That's the last thing I need right now.
I open my car door and walk into the very large building.
I enter the elevator and press the top floor. *ding* the doors open I walk down the hallway towards Shawn's office.