The Hot Best Friend

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*ring* *ring* 

*incoming call from Hot Best Friend (JK)* 

so you're probably wondering why his contact name is Hot Best Friend, well its for one reason, because everyone calls him 'The Hot Best Friend' I personally don't care, because I have a boyfriend and I see him as my big brother. 

Oh right back to the call. 

"took you long enough!" he said, "well hello to you too weirdo" "hey, hey you love me" i shake my head and reply, "sadly i do, anyway whats up?" "wait wait, just get ready ill be at your house in like 5 mins" i say ok and we hang up. 

i change into.... 

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when I just finished getting ready I heard a knock on my door, I walk to the door

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when I just finished getting ready I heard a knock on my door, I walk to the door. "what's cookin', good lookin'?" I laugh and shake my head, "stephan its too early for your jokes." "gee that's not a way to greet your best friend, I might as well leave then." and stephan does a dramatic hair flip. i flip him off and drag him out the door and to his car. 

"where to bestie?" I think for a minute until I get interrupted by a call. 

*incoming call from baby* 

Shawn- hey baby 

me- hiii 

shawn- how are you?

me- good how about you? 

shawn- I'm good so watcha doing? 

me- oh I'm with stephan we are just going to have breakfast 

shawn- oh ok, well I miss you 

me- awwwww my baby I miss you sooo much 

shawn- not possible 

me- ok ok whatever you say but seriously when are you coming back? 

shawn- uh- in another month or so


shawn- i know baby I want to see you just as much but Im almost finished my asia leg for the tour then ill be all yours for one month then back on the road. 

me- awww ok well we will facetime later today yeah? 

shawn- of course ill be waiting 

me- well i got to go 

shawn- bye love you baby 

me- love you too 

*end of call* 

"so hows the boyfriend of yours?" i blush and reply, "he's good I'm going to see him in a month i cant wait." i say with a smile just thinking about him. "wow you really do love him don't ya?" i blush even redder and nod my head while trying to cover my face. "hey, hey don't cover your face just do me a favour and smile for me." i do what he says and smile and the next thing i know stephan has taken a picture of me. "STEPHANNNNNN" i whine. "don't worry girl I'm sending it to him and telling him our convo to know why you are as red as a tomato." i cringe at the word tomato. "eww why did you have to say tomato?" he laughs and we walk to the cafè. 

we take a seat and look at the menu until we order our food. "sooo stephan why are you still single?" i ask him randomly. "i don't know i just haven't found the right girl you know." i nod, "yeah i know that but why don't you go to a club or something and try and get yourself a girl because i know you want one." i looks down. " i eh- i actually don't want to do that." i look at him with a confused look on my face. "what do you mean why?" "i- uh- i umm- i sorta like someone but they obviously don't know that." i scream but not too loud. "OMG OMG OMG TELL ME WHO OMG YASSS IVE BEEN DREAMING ABOUT THIS DAY SOOO WHO IS THE LUCKY GIRL?" stephan laughs and says, "its umm- its your other best friend." i look at him in shock and happiness. "o.m.g ok i totally ship you guys." "ok ok don't go start planning our wedding." "wait so you haven't told her?" "i actually have sorta but yeah." "stephan give me your phone." stephan hands me his phone and i look at his photos and see....

" stephan hands me his phone and i look at his photos and see

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"stephannnnnn you lied to me

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"stephannnnnn you lied to me." i show him his phone and he blushes, "i-umm- I'm sorry." i get up from my seat and walk to his and drag him to get him to stand up and i hug the shit out of him. "Stephan I'm happy that your happy and that's all that counts." 

after a few hours. 

I've been calling shawn for like 30 mins now and it goes straight to voice mail. 


oh no no no no nooooo 

this cant be happening........ 

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