Mafia Boss At A Concert

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Waking up bright and early, I get changed into....

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You're probably thinking being a mafia boss, as a woman and going to a concert is just odd, bitch of course that's odd, you're literally the definition of odd the fuck miss gurl

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You're probably thinking being a mafia boss, as a woman and going to a concert is just odd, bitch of course that's odd, you're literally the definition of odd the fuck miss gurl.

Sorry that's my inner voice her name is Rori.

"Donna, we are leaving in around 5 mins." I nod and thank him.

"ENZO GET YOUR ASS DOWN STAIRS YOU LAZY ASS!" I yell so he could actually wake up.
Hearing his heavy ass foot steps going down the stairs he finally arrives in front of me. "What's up sis?" Yeah i know we are twins and are both odd. It just runs in the family.

Enzo looks like:

"Why the fuck did you wake me up before 12pm? And it better be a good damn reason," Enzo says while trying to wake himself up

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"Why the fuck did you wake me up before 12pm? And it better be a good damn reason," Enzo says while trying to wake himself up.

He looks like shit.
I mean you ain't lying there Rori.

"We are going to a concert. I need to do this mission and I need you to be with me because you're going to play as yourself but we are going to have guards around us the whole time." He looks at me confused as my other brother walks in.

Of course our parents couldn't have another daughter

"What's going on? Why the fuck does Enzo have that dumbass look on his face?" Ace asks while grabbing an apple and taking a seat at the kitchen counter.

Ace looks like:

"Enzo and I are going to a concert because I need to do some business there

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"Enzo and I are going to a concert because I need to do some business there."
"Okay but why is he giving me that face?" I shrug as I smack the backs of Enzo's head. "Heyy why can't Ace come as well?" I give him the really? you're such a dumbass face, "because Ace is going to pretend to be a part of the celebs security team!" Both Ace and Enzo give me a shocked face when I walk away and make sure I look good before I walk to my car. "HURRY UP LOSERS!" they both dramatically walk and sit in the car.

Fast Forward until we arrive at the concert.

"You got to be fucking kidding me right now!" Enzo exclaims from next to me. I roll my eyes and we both walk surrounded by body guards. "You didn't just bring us to a concert with a whole bunch of teenagers crying over a singer." Enzo continues to complain as the girls we walk past eye him up and down.

"Okay Ace do you have an eye on the target?"
Yeah I have I gotta go they are having a last minute meeting shit
Alright good luck.

No one dares to approach us. Okay but who the fuck would we have like 6 foot 4 men around us. OKAY RORI NO ONE WAS ASKING! Hey I'm just stating fac- BITCH BYE.

The target gets on stage within the next 20 mins. He is singing this cheesy love song. Okay miss lady but he is hot asf. How-why? Never mind. Hey never underestimate when I see a hot man. Okay whatever I gotta stay focus. Lucy and Hot singer sitting in the tree k-i-s-s-i-n-g. Umm no thank you, my guy sings cheesy love songs. Okay and his voice is smexy.

Ignoring Rori's comment. I listen to the singers voice as I slowly make my way to the front row. Why the fuck are these girls giving us dirties like do,you not know how I am? Someone has an ego. Umm of course I do I'm fucking amazing. Duh! Moving on..... okay I see a tattoo on his hand that's hot as fuck. Rori shut the fuck up pl- no tattoos are hot and this fine ass singer has one. I want him. Possessive much.

"Thank you so much. I love you!" The singer disappears.
Ace keep an Eye on him I'm coming now

Making my way backstage with Enzo and my men by my side I walk up to Ace as a Enzo and him talk about how there were so many hot chicks. Typical men. Sadly I'm related to them. I know right I blame mum and dad for not having, I don't know maybe another girl.

"Umm excuse me, are you meant to be here?" This male asks me. Enzo and ace both look at me waiting for my response. "Do you know who I am?" I ask the male. "I don't know and I don't really care, now answer my question." Oh he is gonna regret that. "Excuse you! Don't you dare talk to me like that when I can wipe you off the face of the earth in like then 2 seconds." I state firmly as the male scoffs. "Was that a threat?" I roll my eyes and reply, "no it's a promise," and with that I walk past him as all the men including my brothers walk behind me. "Excuse me ma'am I'm pretty sure you aren't meant to be here, may you please leave or I will have to call security." Fucking dumbass people ugh. "Does I look like I give a flying fuck if you call security have you not seen the men behind me, but don't worry darling I'll have something special for you if you ever try to tell me what to do." I smirk as I feel someone grip my arm. "Did you not just hear what I said?" I look around to look at the person and there I see him.

Oh holy this guy is hotter in person. DAMN. RORI NOT HELPING HERE! Oops sorry, yeah not really it's facts- don't you dare finish that sentence- no printer... I'm gonna fucking kill you. That's suicide then. What? Shut up rori. It's a CAPITAL R. I know that dumbass.

"What do you want?" I ask the singer. He shakes his head. "You"

To be continued....

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