The title says it all ♥️
Different imagines about Shawn Mendes which include Camila Cabello, Tom Holland, etc.
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*Everything that it written is written by me and only me, if taken, further action will be taken. Thank you*
I'm currently getting ready for my interview which is in approximately an hour and a half so I quickly change into....
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I leave my place and drive to the set of Jimmy Fallon.
Once I arrive I park my car and enter the set to see my Manager already waiting for me, "ah Lucy I'm glad you are finally here and I see you already chose an outfit, love it!" I hug her and walk to my dressing room for my make up artist and hair stylist to do their work, they always do an amazing job!
An hour later I'm ready and just waiting for Jimmy to call me on stage, "haha thanks everyone I would now like to invite a very special someone on stage to talk about everything and anything including new things happening very soon, PLEASE WELCOME LUCY!"
I walk on stage and wave to the crowd and give Jimmy a hug and sit down across from him.
"So Lucy tell me how have you been it's been a while since I last saw you!?" I nod my head and reply, "haha yes it has I've been pretty good very busy but good how about you?" He replies with good and starts to ask me questions. "Alright Lucy it seems that you have lately been hanging with Mr Shawn Mendes is that correct?" I laugh and nod my head. "Well a lot of people have been asking, are you two dating?" He asks with curiosity on his face. "Well look We really weren't trying to rat ourselves out but we clearly did so yes we are," I reply and hear the crowd cheer. "So you heard it first Lucy is off the market and so is Shawn Mendes!" I laugh and the crowd gradually quiets down.
"Lucy I want to ask you a question which a fan has actually asked for me to ask you..." I nod my head indicating for him to continue, "how is it like being a Lebanese woman dating a Canadian man?" He reads the card. "Okay to be honest, as much as I love my culture I realised that I want to experience different cultures so I've never really dated anyone within my culture I'm not saying Lebanese men aren't attractive because they are but I've seen how my parents turned out and I didn't want to end up like them or even my grandparents." I state with no hesitation. " Shawn and I are both open to welcome both our ethnics and traditions as we both learn on the different cultures and traditions, for example, we don't put a star on our Christmas trees we put an Angel or we create the birth of Jesus setting/scene under our Christmas tree. That's what my family does as a tradition." He nods his head and moves on to the next question.
The interview goes on for another 30 minutes where we played 2 games, I've told stories and experiences, until we are on the last question. "Recently it has been rumoured that you are wearing more baggy clothes as they are saying and fans are suspecting if you are pregnant?" Jimmy asked and I respond, "I mean who says I can't wear baggy clothes it is known that it is way more comfortable!" Jimmy and the crowd laugh. "Well sensing your answer I would just like to invite someone over on stage, please welcome Shawn Mendes!!" I laugh and he comes to Jimmy gives him a hug and he gives me a peck on the cheek and sits down beside me. "So Shawn we were just talking about the rumours happening with Lucy being pregnant is this true?" Shawn laughs and replies, "okay the answer is yes and we did try to hide it for a while but you know things are really working out with trying to hide. I mean Lucy is starting to show but she also loves wearing comfy clothes but to be fair she looks amazing with the baby bump I can't want for the world to see our little baby!" Shawn says with a smile as he looks at me. "Awww so how far along are you Lucy?" "Around 3 months now so I'm going to be showing more very soon so I'll need to go shopping hahaha." "Haha alright thank you so much Lucy and Shawn for coming it has been a pleasure can't wait to see the little baby and the best of luck to you both! See you next time on Tonight with Jimmy Fallon!!"
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