Best friend

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Shawn is my best friend and I am his we have always been best friends since I can remember. I love him soo much that I can't even express it through words, I know Shawn is a famous singer and I was scared at first that he would forget about me and make new celebrity friends but everyday he would call me and he would always remind me that we are still best friends and nothing could change that. I have a secret but Shawn doesn't know about it, the secret is that I'm secretly in love with Shawn it just took me so long to realise I loved him and I want our friendship to take the next step and become more than just best friends but Shawn is dating Camila now and I can't tell him now as I know he doesn't like me back but ever since he started to date Camila he doesn't text me as much or call me its like I lost my best friend and I don't know what to do. I'm invisible!

me: hey can u talk?

30 mins later

SHAWN (crush): yeah what's up?

me: are u busy at the moment?

SHAWN (crush): no just at home, why?

me: ohh I'm just asking in case you're with Camila

SHAWN (crush): ok

me: umm so I don't want u to take this the wrong why I just want to know but do u love Camila?

SHAWN (crush): why are you asking, do u need to tell me something?

me: noo I just want to know umm

SHAWN (crush): umm ok u are acting really weird but I don't know if I love Camila I only just started to date her 2 months ago

me: umm ok thanks for answering

SHAWN (crush): I know something Is wrong I know you very well

me: are u sure u know me cause sometimes it feels like I don't know u

SHAWN (crush): u do u mean by that?

me: don't worry its not like u would care anyway, why don't u go hang out with Camila

SHAWN (crush): why are u all of a sudden acting like this and I don'y want to hang out with Camila now OK

me: well it seems like u like her more than me lately

SHAWN (crush): I'm sorry I haven't been able to talk to u I didn't mean to hurt u

me: Its ok but I felt like u forgot about me but anyway enough about me how are u and Camila?

SHAWN (crush): umm we broke up last night


SHAWN (crush): its ok I knew I had to break up with her

me: what do u mean

SHAWN (crush): I'm in love with someone who isn't Camila


SHAWN (crush): I can't tell u but I can tell u she is drop dead gorgeous and she is perfect in my eyes only if she knew, and I'm in love with her and I can't deny my feelings towards her but I know she wouldn't like me back

me: awwww Shawn u don't know that unless u tell her your feelings

SHAWN (crush): umm I just did

me: wait what!!!???

SHAWN (crush): I'm in love with you

me: you Shawn Mendes is in love with me

SHAWN (crush): yes, why is that so shocking

me: because I've been in love with you for 1 year now

SHAWN (crush): WAIT, REALLY???

me: YES why would I lie about that u are my best friend

SHAWN (crush): true but I can't believe it

me: well u better believe it Mendes

SHAWN (crush): I know this isn't the best place or way to do this but...

SHAWN (crush): will you be my girlfriend??

me: Shawn why would u even ask me that


SHAWN (crush): u scared me for a sec

me: haha I know I'm just amazing

SHAWN (crush): u can say that again

me: SoOoO bAbY

SHAWN MY BABY: yes baby girl

me: ooh I like that Nickname

SHAWN MY BABY: haha well ill using that 😏 if U know what I mean



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