Good Life

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Living with the love of your life is the best, but of course, I don't know how that feels. you know we love the single life. I don't even know why I'm talking about love right now, maybe its because I'm drunk but the thing is I'm not sad, I know I'm weird. 

*text from: Pretty Boy* 

Pretty Boy: Hii, what are you doing rn? 

oh great and to add on that what i was saying before i have a fucking hot crush on my friend. MY LIFE COULD NOT GET ANY BETTER! but knowing me i know he doesnt like me like that. #singlelife and im totally not listening to sad music right now. 

Im NoT cRyInG, yOu ArE! 

*text from: Pretty Boy* 

Pretty Boy: Hey? U there? 

Pretty Boy: Im getting worried, u ok? 

Pretty Boy: pls im here for u just plssss reply to me :( 

Alright now im crying.

*incoming call from: Pretty Boy* 


i go into a ball and cry. 

After a couple mins------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

*knock* *knock* *knock* 

*door opens* 

*foot steps* 

"omg! no no nooo" i hear this voice im trying to recongise who it is but its becoming fuzzy. 

"please dont close your eyes" They take me in their arms and i dont move, i feel numb. 

"why didnt you reply to me? you know im always here for you." i cry harder. 

"please say something or move to know that you are some what ok." i slowly move my hand. 

They take my hand in theirs as i move my hand very slowly. I can feel their gaze on me so i slowly look up. 

Our eyes meet. 

I finally know who it is.  


i open my mouth to speak and barely whisper the words, "you're here?" 

Shawn looks at me and says, "of course I would be here." I look down at my hands and notice our hands are intertwined. 

"I need to tell you something." I look back up and see Shawn's eyes full of worry but also nervousness. 

i nod telling him to continue. "I don't know how you are going to react but I think it's a good time to tell you this." I look at him with concern yet confusion. 

"I don't know how to tell you this but I want to tell you this and I need to tell you this because it has been killing me keeping it inside for so long." I search his eyes for any emotion but nothing. 

"I'm just going to say it now........... I'm in LOVE with you." I look at him with shock and I notice his worried face. 

i point to myself and back at him. He nods understanding what I'm doing. 

"you love me? As in a friend way?" Shawn shakes his head and says, "no I love you more than a friend, like when you love the love of your life." 

WELL FUCK ME, I'm dead bruh. HOLY FUCKING SHIT! HE LOVE MY ASS???? THE FUCK. Alright get your shit together and tell him you love him too. i nod at my conscience and say, "Shawn, I've loved you for a while now but I didn't know how to tell you but I'm glad you were the one who came and helped me and told me that you loved me." 

Shawn doesn't waste anytime and hugs me so tight. When we pull away from the hug I look at him in the eyes and notice a certain sparkle in his eyes, that's when I knew I had to kiss him. AND GUESS WHAT I FUCKING KISSED HIM AHHHH! 

"Alright i see what your trying to do, but would you maybe want to go on a date tomorrow?" I nod without even thinking and he says, "alright ill pick up at 8." I nod and ask him, "Are you leaving now?" He shakes his head and says, "no I'm not leaving, I just came to your house seeing you crying in a ball you think I'm going to leave?" I look at him once again and smile. 

The rest of the night we just enjoy each other's company before I slowly drift into a deep sleep when I hear a faint, "I Love you." in the background. 




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Love Lucy

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