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Shawn - shawnie 

me - me 

shawnie- hiiiiii 

me- heyyy 

shawnie- i want to ask u something 

me- sure whats up

shawnie- do u have a crush

i look at my phone scared as i don't know if I should tell him....

me- umm yeah why

shawnie- oh nvm then 

me- no no tell me plsss 

shawnie- nah I cant 

me- ok I need to tell u something 

shawnie- ok.....

me- my crush is you 

its been 3 mins after I sent that message and I'm really scared but I got interrupted by a ding 

shawnie- well I umm have a crush on you....

me- wait rlly!

shawnie- yea....

me- o.m.g wow 

me- soo umm 

shawnie- soo I was wondering if you want to talk about this tomorrow at school?

me- uh yea ofc 

shawnie- sorry I gtg byee <3

to be continued........ 

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