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Gundham- his natural outfit except his hair is down.

Kazuichi- wearing a black hoodie along with black pants and has skeleton gloves on.

"Of course, just give me the request on who I shall be after"

"Gundham... Your target for this week is..." She looked back down at her note and smirked,

"Kazuichi Souda... Have you heard of him?"

Tanakas eyes widened, "the shark toothed mortal? Why him? Is there any specific reason?"he asked.

"... I don't know exactly why, but the list says hes the the victim for now" She smiled.

"... I see..."

Tanaka just exited the ladys castle and headed for his domain.

-In Gundhams house-

"Greetings angel, I have returned from... My...hellish work..." He whispered.

"Oh! Gundy! How good it is to see you!" Akumi smiled, hugging her son, "how was work? Were all the animals okay?"

"...mhm..." Gundham lied, he knew his mother would freak if she found out his actual job.

"... Oh! That's good! Who was the patient today?"

"...only a mere cerberus, though, they are alright, so no need to worry" He chuckled softly, giving his mom a warm smile.

"Mhm! Okay! You can go to bed, you have school tomorrow, remember, it's monday" She smiled.

Gundham just groaned and walked upstairs.

- - - -


"You useless brat! What the hell?! Why are you here so late!?"

"I-Im sorry sir, I was busy... At a friends house..." Souda whispered.

"What was that? I couldn't here ya!!" Tatsuo shouted, throwing a beer bottle onto the ground, it shattering and breaking.

"... I was busy at a friends house!"

"... Hm... I see...im pretty damn glad right now, so I'll let you off the hook for now.." Kazuichis dad, huffed, turning the TV volume up.

"... Sorry sir..."

"Quit apologizing, only weak men do that you ass"

"Right..." Souda just ignored his dad and made his way upstairs.


He opened up his flip phone and dialed a number

*Ring! Ring*


"Hey fuyuhiko!" He chuckled softly.

"... Is your bastard dad doing the same thing?"

"... Yeah..."

"Man! I told you to kill him! If you don't! I'll do it mysel-"

"No! Don't! I can't and I don't want to, he's the only family I have left and..."

"... Kazuichi... Just... Uh.... S-Stay safe..."

"Mhm! I will!" Souda chuckled,
"hey! Also, I have something to show you when we get to school, okay?"

"O-Of course!"

Kazuichi just ended the call and smiled, "I can't wait!"

He took his pants off, leaving himself in just the black hoodie.

"..." He sighed and rested his body on the bed, "..."

"I hate people..."

He pulled the sheets over and closed his eyes.

... Soon, he fell asleep.

- - - -


"Ah! Angel? What could you need?" Tanaka asked, opening his bedroom door.

"Sweety, you were quiet in there, it worried me a bit.."

"Oh, my apologies, I did not mean to..."

"... It's fine Gundham, just be sure to sleep..." She said, giving him a warm smile.

"I will..." He whispered.

She nodded her head and left his bedroom.


Gundham immediately closed the door and locked it.

"She will not find out no matter the cost, my devas, you will stay here, I will take my leave through this slightly small window" He said, opening the window and glancing at his devas, "... You take care"

"Chuu" Cham-P scrambled through the bed and jumped off, going towards the cage.

Once Gundham successfully made his way out, he ran out the yard.

"...so... Where exactly did he live...?" He took the paper out his jacket and looked at it, "ah... I see"

The Target Im Aiming For (SouDam)Where stories live. Discover now