Chapter Fourteen: The Mystery Miracle Worker

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This time the noise came from behind and goosebumps crawled along Rein's skin. She could swear that whatever it was rose tall above her head. She twirled around to make eye-contact with a king cobra as it towered over her. Before she could do or say anything, it snapped at her.

Rein bounded out of the way and slashed its face with her knife. The cobra hissed and attacked again. She pounced onto its head and tried to slide down its body while slicing it open on the way down but the cobra jolted and she fell off, losing her knife in the fall. The snake struck at her once more before she had the chance to get up, but she managed to roll away and jump to her feet. She drew her sword and waited for the cobra's next move. The cobra hissed and attacked her, but she dodged again and moved to stab it through the eye. The cobra avoided her blade and knocked the sword out of her hand with its tail.

Now Rein had no weapon. Her only means of defense were her agility and bare hands. She caught sight of her knife a couple feet to her right and bolted after it. She glanced over her shoulder for the cobra and evaded its next strike. Then she noticed it wrapping itself around her and she leapt over its scaly body. She snatched her knife back and faced the serpent just in time to slice its snout again, deeper this time. The cobra cried out in pain, however the cry sounded like it had a voice. This startled Rein.

"You can talk?" she asked.

"Yes," replied the cobra in a weary voice.

"Then why did you attack me?"

"Tell me, why are you here?" the cobra asked.

"I'm looking for the Mystery Miracle Worker."

"Exactly. I am protecting her."

"She's completely hidden from the world," Rein argued. "Why does she need protecting?"

"I will let her explain that to you herself," said the cobra. "You have defeated me, after all. Follow me."

Rein followed the cobra through the moss and into a hole between the giant rock and the entrance. Inside the cave, it was difficult to see anything, even with Rein's faint light. Fortunately, all she really needed to see was the cobra in front of her. They turned left once they approached the three other caves and then it wasn't long before she found herself beneath a lit torch. The snake disappeared into another hole in the wall and Rein followed.

They entered the Mystery Miracle Worker's lair where Rein found Empress Renée already consulting with the woman in front of a cute little fireplace to the left. It was a small and full room, though it appeared to be the perfect size for the Miracle Worker since it remained clean and organized. There was a bed in a corner to the right with hand-made pillows and fur blankets. Rein eyed the many books and strange-looking tools and devices, along with the various objects that people had used as trade for the Miracle Worker's assistance. One item that particularly stood out to Rein was a ship in a bottle that was placed on top of the bookcase. She had never seen anything so peculiar and seemingly pointless.

"Miss," said the cobra to the Miracle Worker. "I am wounded."

"Rein!" said Renée. "You made it!"

"No thanks to you!" Rein replied as she shook her sword at the empress. "I should prick you beneath your fingernails!"

The empress shied away from this remark and didn't reply.

"How are you wounded, Stephocra?" the Miracle Worker asked the cobra. Stephocra slithered over to the Miracle Worker who picked him up to examine him. "Oh my god! How did this happen?"

"I had a quarrel with a sprite creature," Stephocra answered.

"Is this the sprite creature?" the Miracle Worker asked, looking at Rein.

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