Chapter Eighteen: The Cursed Waters of Carnific

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Not long after Ravan had left Roznova, the Mystery Miracle Worker packed a small bag of food for herself and a couple of oddly shaped, multi-colored, glass bottles. She wrapped the bottles in a thick, soft cloth and tightly packed them in her satchel to make sure that they were kept safe. Then she put on her large-brimmed hat, threw a gray shawl over her shoulders, and turned to her king cobra who was perched in his tree.

"Are you ready, Stephocra?"

"I couldn't be more ready, Miss," Stephocra replied as he slithered up her arm.

The Miracle Worker put out all the lights in her lair and raced to a dinghy she kept some distance from the beach, her burgundy skirts catching and tearing on foliage along the way. She had covered the boat with damp moss to hide it from any visitors and to prevent it from catching fire. As she uncovered it, she kept a wary eye out for Ravan. She didn't fully trust that he had the dagger to the Cataras Springs and believed there was a chance he was waiting around for an opportunity to take the key from her. She tossed her satchel into the dinghy before pushing it to the beach. There wasn't much time to waste as she imagined she only had a little over five minutes remaining before the ring of fire erupted again. She thrust the boat far out to the ocean and took care to spend little time in the hot water, even though her leather boots were coated to protect her feet from the heat. Finally, she hopped inside and rowed vigorously. It took every minute of the time she had left to scull far enough away from the disaster area, but when she had made it, she relaxed a little and took her time rowing through the smoke and boiling water to Carnific.


After waiting for what felt like hours, Rein spotted a large ship with dark gray sails on the horizon slowly making its way to the island. Rein forced herself to be patient. By the end of the day her oath would be fulfilled and the bonds would be broken. She simply had to wait just a short while longer.

Meanwhile, Captain Tzatara peered at the island through his telescope. Carnific looked like a thick jungle island beyond the broad roots bending over the waves, but as every island on the Continent Islands chain, it held a dangerous secret. Fortunately, the captain was well aware of this secret, and he possessed not a care in the world.

"That be it, gents!" he announced to his crew. "Now remember to bring yer own water and rum. The water source on the island be no good. Make ready the longboat!"

"Aye, Cap'n!"

Captain Tzatara took five of his able-bodied men, including his first mate, and rowed to the shore. Rein didn't feel like making her presence known just yet. She simply followed the gang from a distance as they hiked through the dense vegetation toward the Cataras Springs. The men were careful not to touch the streams, ponds, and other sources of water that they came across. Some were even so cautious to use swords and dry sticks to move the vegetation out of their path.

Soon, they came across a rushing river where they found the headless skeletal remains of a deer lying beside it. Shortly after, a doe came into view. Everyone watched as she glanced around and lightly sniffed the air. Then she stepped into the river where immediately, her leg sizzled and she released an ear-piercing cry of unexpected agony before collapsing into the stream. The water which rushed over her dissolved her body in waves of brown and crimson. The pirates watched the spectacle in silent astonishment, but their captain forced them to continue onward as if unmoved.


As the Mystery Miracle Worker approached Carnific, she and Stephocra spotted the pirate ship, and she didn't seem surprised.

"It appears we have competition, Miss," said Stephocra.

"Fortunately, I'm the one with the key," the Miracle Worker replied. "I wonder if they're working with Ravan."

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