Chapter 3:

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As per d allotted place of our training, we walked to d grounds in d back yard of college. The fresh autumn leaves rustled in d warm wind. The sun light stroked my skin sending d heat of past afternoon. The ground was freshly flourished, fenced in electric iron. The tall green trees stood like a green moss of fog, outside d fencing. Before heading here, I had changed into black top tank, pair of yoga pants and sneakers. Thankfully, I had brain to notice instructions in d notice board without getting excited by d name Rey St Delphi. Sharon had gone all giggly and swoony reminding me, I was the luckiest girl in d whole college to have Rey as my partner. However I didn't think so. His name felt similar and heard. My gut sense was determined. But I couldn't decipher my crazy thoughts.

Arziz Andros was shouting some clear instructions as a several students made their way to d field. Suddenly the warm tingle lit up on back of my nape, pulling me into d same magic of my dream when I faced d mysterious man. Beside me Sharon was shaking. "Are u ok?" Courtesy was my thing. "I'm nervous" She whispered. Oh, I thought she was d one dying to attend defense class. "What? D classes aren't even started yet" I rolled my eyes. She gave me 'Not-that-kind-of-nervous-so-u-r-so-not-helping-me-look'. I understood. "Nervous of my brother....!" I chuckled. "Mrs. Hathway...., is there a problem?" Mr. Andros shot me a warning look, making a target of everyone's turned heads. "Sorry" I flinched, wanting to hide under a table. "U better brace up, Kitten" Wahi poked me from behind. "Shut up" Was all I could hiss. Oh, d guy is irritating me too much. My eyes moved searching Harshad. He was flirting with a silver blond head, inches away from us. Oh man, he's such an ass. Meanwhile, Mr. Andros called out d names of us and signaled to join our mentors. One by one, d swarm of us paired up. While Sharon's name called out, I caught my brother. He was grinning ear to ear watching Sharon's flushed face. He suddenly caught my eye, giving a small smile. I threw him 'later' look. You may wonder why? Just wait, u'll get to know. Slowly, every student surrounding me cleared except for me. I was d last to get paired. When Andros called my name, instead of me moving over my partner he was pointing at, d opposite happened. Man, he got mountain full of guts. Everyone on d field hushed, watching us with a surprising envy. It includes Mr. Andros too.

The tingle instantly sharpened like a thrumming cord on d back of my nape. I even rubbed my finger on d spot tickling myself. Everything slipped out of my mind as he walked towards me. He was in black sweats and cream full sleeved t-shirt. His muscular built line was broad n stellar. Slow breathing of his chest heaved up n down flexibly was clearly visible. A silver chain had dropped across his neck, disguising it inside d tight shirt. I can obviously give 100 out of 10 to that freaking hot smoking sexy structure. His face was an inheritance of Godly beauty. Holy Comrade! His face was killer deadly. The thin beauty increasing lines on his face called out to touch it n feel it. His plum lips were dangerously delicious as a straw berry. Perfect to kiss! The dark short hairs fell on his forehead ascending d paradise angel in him. My hands itched to ruffle it. Gods! What was happening to me? N his startling dark blue eyes.... Our eyes locked. Time stopped. Breathe stilled. Heart pressured. Body numbed. Those eyes.... My head spun eerily as an image of a small boy with d same startling blue eyes passed across. His gaze held mine in powerful intensity. I had become an ice princess shackling in his intense proximity stare. A dangerous passion camouflaging in those beautiful dark blue balls was evoking. It roamed from my toe to head as if eating me hungrily. Every part of my body where his gaze kissed was aching in exciting ecstasy. I never felt d way I felt now. Everything inside me was sparkling and crackling. If I don't control my emotions any longer, I'm sure something would burst or pop up. But I couldn't pull away. I would sheepishly live long enough lives just staring at him. If just a look at him burned me, think of other consequences. God, no! With a startling realization, it hit me: he was d same person who was watching me in d morning, since d masculine arrogance he carried in his pose unraveled d truth.

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