Chapter 8:

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It was Thursday. After my library work, I waited at canteen for my friends. I had already ordered fried veg rolls with extra butter and a diet coke. Man, you know how hungry usually I am. Slowly, tingle on my nape screeched on indicating Rey's presence. I frowned half way through one veg roll. This was so weird. Suddenly I could visualize nothing but Rey's words. 'I'll-help-u-out-trust-me-Taani'.......... I didn't know what that supposed to mean. But his concern etched voice had shaken me. And, also there was this longing feeling whenever I stared into his eyes. Besides, his touch........oh God....don't even ask....His simple brush on my cheek evokes such a desire in me, I'm totally turned on. That was so not a good omen if I had to survive year mentored by him. But that is d thing I couldn't do it. Though I could see him teasing me only to d normal extent, I'm sure we craved for more when we were close. Not just me. His startling blue eyes gives away he wanted much more than touching me. Gosh......I'm already freaking confused...........I so wanted to tell everything to Harshad and ask for his help. Not just about d boy thing but also help with my unnatural abilities..... D tingle kindled jolting a gasp from my mouth.

"Taani" Oh.......It was Rey. See, d thing is...whenever he calls my name so softly I couldn't help my cheeks reddening. I craned my neck to catch his blue irises fixed on me. He was leaning on d chair not quietly standing. Ok, students were staring at us. Not new to me...I guess. Since d day one of my entry wherever I am or whatever I do, people noticed. I'm such a girl, u c. "Good afternoon to u 2" I pouted as I munched last piece of roll. His lips gave a pleased smile. "How r u doing?" He pulled a chair he was leaning on. Ohhh....oh...he was asking me about yesterday's incident. Well, I was feeling better except d same nightmare repeated at d night again waking me in d bed to cry all alone. "Fine..." I mumbled as I picked d diet coke. "Need one?" I casually asked him. For my surprise, he took it. "Good to c u r fine...." He savored d drink. My stomach grumbled. He laughed..."Seriously? U r hungry yet u gave it to me..." He licked his lips. And my gaze fell on his lips visualizing so many erotic images. Shut it, Taani...Get a grip.... Jerking out of my thoughts, I caught his lip hiding a curl by d look I was giving him. He suddenly moved towards me. His face stayed at a handful distance from me. I held my head trying to not bother. His hand rose to my lips. I should have stopped him seeing how embarrassed it would be when there were watchful eyes. But I didn't because, his thumb rubbed d piece of crumb stuck on d corner of my lip and all my sanity took a back seat. His slow teasing touch quickened my pulse beat, thundering blood in my veins wildly. A radiance of rapture passed down my spine. I gasped. "It's clear now...." His hand fell back. I relaxed as d thrill of his touch slightly lay down. "Ok...." He breathed. I know something was cooking up in his mind. "What's wrong, Rey?" I cautiously eyed him. "I wanted to ask ...." He ruffled his hairs "Will u? .........." Blow. "Kitten......" Wahi squealed past squishing me in a giant hug. Woah.....did Wahi just hug me? My skin shivered in cold since Wahi's body was seething chill. Rey's face fell. His smiling lips pressed thin. His jaw quacked in hasty control. I grimaced at d hard look he was giving to Wahi. A low growl escaped from his throat. That snapped Wahi's attention. He looked in between us. "Oh...u got company?" Wahi looked anything but surprised. "Rey St Delphi.....What a pleasure to see u here" Wahi's fake smile was tight and challenging. Ok...where was this going? Rey's look could have sent anyone scurrying away. But Wahi, he was strong or stupid to hold on, I don't know. "What? No one answers my questions.........." Wahi raised an eyebrow at both of us.... "Because we think u r not worth it...." Rey spoke recklessly getting on Wahi's nerves. God, what am I suppose to do? Stop them. Like how? Y d hell was Wahi irking Rey? And y is Rey behaving so naïve? Being a senior and defense mentor he could at least have bothered to let it go, right. "Guys......." I interrupted. Simultaneously, Rey's cell phone jingled. He took one look on d screen and stood. "Got to go....Taani... See u in later" He winked, making blood rush down my cheeks. Wahi rolled his eyes when he got little full of scathing look from Rey.

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