Chapter 10:

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The two shadows were...Holy night sight...they were not really humans. One was in complete black attire. His mouth protruded freaking-hell-of-d-lord fangs, visibly so razor sharp, it had narrowed on other creature's neck. I'm sure you have already guessed. He was a bloody blood sucking VAMPIRE! And to my utter horrification, d other shadow had long claws over his fingers and toe-nails and his casual clothes were ripping as d fur of brown jutted out of his well-built gym body. I watched aghast as his muscles contorted letting his bones to shrink. He let a roar of agony as he completely transformed into a wide large bull-dog. a bulldog...By God, he's a WEREWOLF. Don't go on thinking how I know they are what they are. Remember my father is a supernatural-bugger-encyclopedia. For a minute, they both stopped fighting and stared me wide-eyed. My body hacked as if hit by hammer. And I was till screaming. Even Rey stared me wide-eyed like he didn't expect me do what I did. But he took d opportunity to intrude d fighting figures.

I had no time to watch what Rey was doing. Or he was being sliced by both those creatures. My father was shouting on d phone. Crap. I had nearly forgotten him. He was already on d line, his high-pitched voice snapping me out of my 'screaming-siren' session. I jumped up and held it near my ear. "Name d place" That's all it took to understand how worried and busted he was. I told him somewhere on d highway in between our college and home. I clued him d isolated SUV car on lane, which is of course Rey's. He assured me to visit me within some minutes, I probably missed hearing accurately. My hand was badly shivering. I felt dizzy. Oh, how did my day turn out so normal to so wonderful to so horrific! I would have given anything to be locked up safely in my house. My dad was still on d line. He hadn't cut insisting me to keep speaking. Hell with speaking! I couldn't open my mouth. I was too afraid to do it. My teeth chattered. It has nothing to do with d cold.


Suddenly a hand on my shoulder jostled me. "Taani...What d hell is going on?" My father's brows pinched. He looked tired. Oh, for goodness sake, he always looked tired nowadays. D heavy trek boots, pair of khakis and sea blue check-shirt did nothing to arouse d dimness surrounding his sulky face. "Why were you screaming like u saw an e-devil?" My dad took my shoulders. That snapped my attention. "OMG...Dad, Rey...OMG...Rey is fighting alone...there...." I began stumbling. My dad shook me "Taani.....With whom Rey is fighting and why?" "Dad there is a vampire and werewolf...." I wanted to pat myself for not mellowing d words out of my throat with such difficulty. Dad peered at me as I informed him there is a bomb in our house. I thought he didn't believe me but..... Without a word, he passed me disappearing behind d thick trees just like Rey. How cunning of everyone to leave me alone.

I heard something slashing and tossing. I buckled my foot to follow. What I saw next made my blood curl up to hide. Rey was second less to stake his knife into Vampire's heart while dad was examining d figure lay on d ground. Maybe it was were-wolf. "Rey...Dad what's going on?" I was cautious to stand at a far distance. "Taani, didn't I tell u to stay back!" Rey growled. If he's serious, all I wanted to do is punch him in d face. "Like I would listen..." I retorted. How dare he order me to watch all this like a hidden mouse? I glared him. D vampire laughed "Isn't ur GF feisty?" My jaw smacked d bush ground. That has nothing to do with vampire noticing me. But he called me as Rey's GF. Involuntarily my cheeks flushed. Rey neither corrected nor defied him. That really made me little uncomfortable. Firstly, whatever d bizarre connection I'm having with Rey is totally unnatural. To top all that, d attraction between us is on such pinnacle, it's so new to me to handle. Of course we shared bloody-body-firing kiss that I could never ever forget but I wasn't ready to involve in a relationship. Because I just don't know what to be expected in it. Hell! Why was I even thinking? Since Rey really didn't want anything to do with me since d understanding while kissing was mutual between us that it was just-a-moment-need. Rey jabbed d sword tearing Vampire's costly leather. "She's not his GF...." My dad stood up lending hand to d figure on ground. Though I couldn't c Rey's face, his stance went rigid. Vampire peered between my father and Rey and let a high pitched snicker "Oh I c....Aren't u still selfish Mr. Hathway?" Then his blood shot red eyes stared right at me. I expected fear of needles to shot through me but nothing happened. Instead sympathy to me was all I could c in his eyes. "You haven't yet told her d truth." He shook his head like he was sorry for me. I was stunned, because at d moment nothing made sense. "This isn't ur space to talk, Dhruv" My dad's grunt even shivered me. His face was contorted acridly. "You have to calm down, Mr. Hathway" For d first time what I believed were-wolf, now turned back human, spoke. I had enough of this incomplete talk. "Oh for d care of my sanity, can someone tell me what on d earth is going on here.... I see a Vampire and were-wolf fighting which I assumed were only in movies n imaginations" I shuddered. "...And next, my defense partner goes on tripping them....In d last moment, my father comes.....And all I do get is ur weird talks..." I shrilled. They all stared me in silence. "Rey, take her home....I'll clear off d matter" My father commanded without looking at me and tossed his keys to him. That made me even crazy. "Don't you think she deserves an answer........" Rey's voice took a sharp edge. I wondered he even had d guts to snap my father. "Rey..." Dad's tone was neutral but there was a slight weariness in it. Rey inhaled sharply retrieving d sword back to his place. "Thanks buddy" Dhruv, d vampire whose name I just learned mock saluted Rey. For d first time I got a glimpse of Dhruv's real face. Honestly, can vampires be sexy except for those blood-shot eyes! His sandy blond tousled like someone ruffled his hairs willingly. His broad face over powered d teenage freshness tad bit against his pale wheat skin. He was eying me with a smirk on his face and I looked away embarrassed.

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