Chapter 14:

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When I and Rey came out of our room,, Swayam and dad were discussing already. Looking at me, dad rushed and took me in a hug apologizing continuously. I was so happy to c him well and correct. Slowly, his gaze settled on my companion. "Hello, Mr. Hathway. Nice to c u" Rey extended a hand. His startling blue eyes had turned steel with hardness. "It's pleasure to have u here, Reyaansh" Dad welcomed but didn't dare to look him in d eye. Reyaansh? Rey's full name was Reyaansh Delphi. Oh......."I hope so" Rey replied coldly. How rude! "About yesterday night...." I started. Swayam who was leaning on d wall stated "Why don't we all sit down, first". I gestured sofa to Rey. He didn't need my vocal invitation. He quietly made himself comfortable. My dad glanced between me and Rey, suspiciously. "Taani....." Dad was sitting beside me on d other end of sofa. "I need answers, dad. And I'm not going to listen no for an answer" I was calm yet intimidating. I hinted him a warning. I was serious. My dad glanced between Swayam n Rey before landing on me. He pinched d bridge of his nose taken aback by my audacity. His muscles tensed. He lowered his crooked purple glasses to look me in d eye.

"I don't know where to begin?" He was honest, I could say that. "Oh, I can help u in that?" Rey interrupted. His steely stare was a peril to meet. Dad's face fell in guilty. "Rey..." Swayam shot him a look which told this-is-not-the-time. But Rey ignored. He was looking at my father. "Don't you want my help Mr. Hathway?" Rey's tone was sarcastic. I prayed he would really shut up. I didn't like him speaking to my father in a disrespected way. I think my feelings hit him, because he silenced when he saw my face. Dad took my both hands in his. "Taani, I want u to trust me. Whatever I say depends upon how you take it. Moreover whatever I had done is only to protect u" "Dad. You are making me nervous. Please, come to d point" "Long ago, when I was in mid-twenties, I fell in love with ur mother." Ok, I know that part. Y is it necessary now? "She loved me 2. We both got married. And we taught our life was perfect. Probably, it would have been if it was that simple." "Dad, where are you coming from" I was confused. "I was a mortal: a simple human being. But your mother....she was different" Y do I get a very bad feeling? "She was a Goddess of elements." I sat thunder struck. Goddess! He really got to be kidding me. "No, he is not" Rey's husky voice whispered in d hushed silence. For a second, dad and Swayam watched us, confused momentarily. I swallowed. Even after so many interactions, his ability to read my thoughts sucked me. Dad shrugged and continued "Like every story, there was an evil enemy here 2. A DARKLING! He wanted ur mother." I shivered. My dad held my hands tightly, forcing me to be vigilant. "He wanted to sacrifice her to d Satan, in order to gain immortality and rule all d realms of d world. But his plan failed because of ur mother's sentry, Paden" Immortality? Ruling all d realms of d world? Oh, it's like I'm listening d narration of some fiction. And what is with my mother's sentry? Oh God, this was all sounding idiotic. Yet real! "Who's Paden?" I intercepted. Dad and Swayam looked towards Rey. His whole muscles were contorted. His startling blue eyes appeared oceanic. "My late father" He spoke in a quivered voice. I could imagine what would have happened. Darkling would have killed Rey's father in d process. My heart went out to Rey. I wanted to take him in my arms and sooth his pain. But that should wait. And wait a second! If his father is dead then who's Julian St.Delphi? Whom I thought was Rey's father all these days. "Darkling wanted ur mother as virgin but it was 2 late. Nevertheless, you were born year after Swayam. We were happy. But one incident turned our lives upside down" "Darkling attacked our Sage Spectrum in d midnight to claim u." I was holding my breath. Sage Spectrum! D name sounded familiar to me. "While he missed d mother, he wanted d child. Because u were born with d inherited boons of ur mother. You are a Goddess of elements 2. Instead of ur mother, he goaled u. During that night, Paden died protecting u" Dad shot a sympathetic look to Rey through my shoulders. I sat frozen. I taught he died protecting my mother. But I was d reason of Rey's father death. My body shook vibrantly. I felt goose bumps of shock all over. OMG! How can I ever look into Rey's eye knowing I was d reason of his father's lose? Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Don't even think of it, Taani. U r not responsible for anything" Rey spoke smoothly. But I wasn't convinced. Tears started to flow down. "Listen to him, Taani." Swayam supported Rey. "U r not one to be blamed" Dad circled his thumb on my palm. Their words didn't do any good. I couldn't control d sudden anguish of pain raised deep inside. But I still had to listen to full story. I nodded. "Ur mother and I feared, if you stay at Sage Spectrum, he wouldn't stop until he take u. Even if we leave d place, he would track u down. But a great witch of destiny showed up from nowhere, announcing to hide u and ur powers from d world until u r matured enough to handle it. He placed several charms and spells to subside ur powers inside u and urself." Oh Goddddddddd......... My head is hurting literally.

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