Chapter 12:

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During late mid-night, I woke up abruptly choking. Again, d nightmare of my death dream haunted me. The feeling of dream and aftereffect in reality were so damn similar, I feared sometimes it was reality. To calm my racing heart, I dragged my feet to window and slid d curtains. The night was eerily ink-black. There was no hint of moon in d sky. No stars. The ambience blew ominous energy. Suddenly, d tingle of warmth crept up my neck. Rey! My heart flip flopped. Was he here? A movement outside d lane caught my attention. A person in white-black attire, a long black duster placed on top. Suddenly, I felt myself clambering down d stairs of my home, opening d house door and stepping up outside. Into d world I'm part of.

The cool night breeze hit my skin. It prickled me. D sensuousness of it yelped danger. But I was curious. More than curious, I was in a trance. The man in d lane started moving away. I couldn't make out his features, since inkling black night overpowered even d small array of light. The tingle of warmth yet receded on my back. But not as strong as before minutes was. As d distance b/w me and d man decreased, d connection of tingle was fading. I didn't understand. I thought d man was Rey, or maybe not. A suspicion raised in me. But I was 2 involved in my excitement to discover d man that I didn't care. Afraid I would lose his sight, my footsteps stepped forward gingerly. It wasn't only me. There was a powerful yanking that pulled me behind him. The man hurried. So did I. He turned towards left of our colony. As he continued d path, I smelled something. Water! There sedated a lake of Love-Lock. The air here brewed fresh mist above the surface. In d late dark mid-night, d lake illuminated out of illusion. Its beauty was alluring. For a second, I forgot why I was here in d first place. I wanted nothing more than to swim in it. My body shivered sweetly responding to d thought. I was smiling. Soon, my mind flashed a blur image of a small boy and girl. I couldn't decipher their faces clearly. Pictures were hazy. As soon as it occurred, suddenly my attention snapped. I was wasting my time. I would get plenty of time to enjoy its beauty. Squinting across, I found no one. No mystery man. I lost him. Anticipation exceeding, I just walked on my guess. As I crossed d lake further, I froze. To my horror or surprise, I had taken d way I had in my dream. Now, I stood in front of woods. Suddenly, I felt aware. As if I was awaken of a dream. My heart pounded like it would rip out of my chest. The fear dawned on me more ferociously than I expected it to be. Years of d experience with my nightmare resurrected alive today.

A loud ear-splitting roar erupted from d woods. My lungs came to my mouth. I didn't dare to move. But standing there wouldn't help me. The cry continued scorching my eardrums to rust. It wasn't a normal cry. It was a human wail, multiplied million more times long. My mind spun. Was there any human in d woods? If yes, was he/she is attacked by a wild animal? Several scenarios flashed. Whatever in d situation I was, I can't let someone die in d hands of an animal, if I could do anything to help it. I maybe several things, but I wasn't a mole ass to turn my back when help needed. Keeping a hand on my chest, I closed my eyes. D smiling face of my mother waved at me. She would have done d same if she was in my place. I dared to wobble inside d woods.

The large trees stood tall over d sky. D roots of every plant jutted rigid and hard. The bushes spread like a scattering fire. Even a space to walk was fringed. The weeping was faint. My foot scrunched d dry grass. I could hardly make out a way along d sound came. Nevertheless, I waltzed. I was brave! I was brave! I was brave! I chanted. Something dropped in front of me. I jumped letting a scream. Thank God! It was just a tabby cat. Its white-black fur perfectly matched d cunning brown eyes. It meowed. A non-sensible thought occurred to me. Maybe it was laughing at me. Purring, it swerved deep into d woods. The eerie silence of d woods was already giving me creeps. Upon that, d cat did freak me out unduly. The faint sound of sobs blew from d path of d cat went. Praying that I would get out of this nightmare, I followed.

A figure lay on d ground of weedy grass. It was a girl. Her T-shirt torn exposing d navel and her jeans ripped at several places. The blood sprouted from her ankle, wrists. Several scratches were itched on her skin. I moved closer. Her hairs splintered upon her face. With a sudden shock, I screamed. But nothing came out of my mouth. I backed a little. It was KRIYA. She was bloodied and hurt. She suddenly held my hand. "Help...." Her eyes didn't have energy to keep still. "Please....." How much ever I may hate d girl because of one incident, I can't leave her to die. "Its ok. U'll be fine" I stroked her shoulder. "It...'ll attac.... Aga...." Her tongue failed. "What'll come, Kriya? Who did this to you? What happened?" I cupped her cheek. She shrugged her head unable to speak. "Ok.... Keep ur eyes up, girl. I'll do something" I stood and turned wishing to process my mind quickly. D same tabby cat curled up inches away from me. At least, he served as my companion, I thought. Next, d things happened so suddenly I misjudged my eyes caliber. A hard hand pressed to my lips. "Finally, I got d pleasure to meet u alone, Miss.Taani Hathway" I froze in dead tracks. Freaking bubbles out of me! The damn cat transformed into a man I had been following d whole time. To say I was aghast would be an understatement. Much worse was his voice. Oh God, I recognized it. Tears prickled my cheeks. I didn't let them stop. They trickled mercilessly. D one voice haunted my whole adultness was now speaking directly to me. The person I had woven in my mind didn't match a single feature with him. He was bony and medium-tall. His face smirked in evilness. His brown cat eyes pried me off as if d hunter ready to bounce on his prey. He moved closer to me. I felt sick. "How come u became a person from cat?" I muttered d only question eating me off. My mind juggled. The fear rose in me like a wild fire. Oh God, I couldn't lose my courage now. I frantically eyed a means to concentrate on something to conjure up. Heck with my special gifts. It was impossible to centre my mind on single thing while my thoughts swirled in a horrific mode. He laughed sinisterly. "Ahh....... I wonder u didn't find out yet. I thought u were most extraordinary student, Taani" His breathe nearly grazed my cheek. It nauseated me but I had no choice. "Perhaps I was wrong" His finger tip wounded lock of my hairs. I stilled. He made no more than threatening me by a brush of intimacy but I was about to throw up on his face if he continued. As if my thoughts touched his mind, he revived back from me yet standing closer. "Who are you? What did u do to her?" I pointed at Kriya's limp body. "Now I appreciate you for not wasting my time anymore." His lips curled up. It had a beauty of darkness. "Who do you think I am, Taani?" He snapped back. "I had no intention of hurting her. But the silly little lass........" He hissed "interrupted me while I all intended is to lure u" He winked. It made my stomach obnoxious to puke. Blood shot redness edged his brown pupils. I trembled in spite of trying to be upright. He laughed. It was like sirens of warning ringing before going off completely. "Do you even know who u r? Taani" He brought his face straight to me. Oh, I had a snappy answer like 'I'm-my-parents-daughter'. But I refrained thinking he wouldn't like it. I was already in a devil hand and I had no intention of being ripped into death by him. I shut my mouth. He chuckled, inhaling me like I was just cooked delicious meat. God, it made me nauseous. "Oh that man whom you call as father didn't tell u?" He frowned sympathetically. "Neither did ur brother?" Dad and Swayam......What had they didn't tell me? Oh, I couldn't fuss over my sudden anger towards my father and brother. I was always sure they were hiding something from me. But I didn't expect it could be something worse like seeing an otherworldly creature. I'm going to have a serious talk. But before that, I want a plan. If I and Kriay were getting out of this, I really need to come up with something that works. "Ahhh. From ur expressions I understand u know nothing of it. Well, don't worry. Once u r with me, I'll explain everything which u should have known by now" He kept his mouth on work. I could do nothing. He was babbling. "I would have liked to enjoy having some fun with u" His finger trailed on my neck. I flinched, moving back. "I'm hurt" He took a step towards me. "What do you want?" I cringed at his smug face. He was really enjoying it. "You" His tone was darkly seductive. Come on, Taani. You are a brave girl. You can handle this monster. I tried to calm my tumbling nervousness, first. But I was flunking 2. "Don't worry. I would do nothing to hurt u. At least not till master decides what to do with u" He puffed. Now who d hell is his master? What do they want with me? Suddenly, branches above his tree squeezed his ankles tightening around his body. Oh, it was me. Oh u think, I couldn't at least try bringing him down. Your loss! To my horror, his human body neatly constricted into a snake and it slithered outside d knot of branches. I stood horrendously watching d scene with open mouth. In d next moment, he was on me holding my throat so tightly, God, it hurts. "You really think ur useless powers can take me out, u little b****.... I'm so going to make u bleed" By saying that his knee kicked me in my stomach. I cried out as d pain seared open. I stumbled back and fell on d ground. He dragged me by hairs onto my foot. "Not so soon.... My darling...." He sneered at me. "Screw sacrificing u for SATAN, I'm going to show u hell....." Nothing imprinted my mind except his words. Not even d pain and pressure I was facing overshadowed d words he emphasized. His words seethed into my heart and mind like a calligraphy print. I was being SACRIFICE. Suddenly, d words on d golden door in Black's house came to me. D first line of it represented d situation I was in.


I came here in a purpose of saving a life. But d wild animal I thought was something beyond unimaginable. Now I understood, why dad always insisted me with precautions. His belief in a life beyond human world! Only if, I had listened to him! I would have been more careful. Slowly, d tingle on my back started to thrum. It was very faint, though.

Next second I was staring into d eyes of a small boy. His smile was serene. His startling blue eyes stared into mine, encouraging me. Slowly, d boys face emerged more mature. Into d one face I can ever forget even a single second of my life. Rey! His pseudo existence filled me with a strength I thought never existed.

Like a fighter, I lifted my fist to d man's face. Man, if I thought I gave a blow, I was so right. I really and truly did damage his face. His nose bled. A print of my fists on his stubble flattened like a mark. He roared, fisting his hand in my hairs hardly. I wonder my hairs didn't break out. I again tried a punch. But this time he was careful of my moves. He simply dodged as if playing with a kid. He scoffed, blearing a scrunching look at me. His hand immediately clasped my neck "I'll rip ur flesh and.......

"Not until I'm alive" A voice spoke so loudly and angrily, I didn't even realize d tingle sharpened on my neck and d pendant warming up elusively. "Get ur filthy hands off her, right now" Rey! From where had he come? In a split second, Shivam's chest pressed on my back, clutching my neck even more tight. Worry creased beautiful face of Rey. He looked enraged, ready to fight and cut Shivam's head. But he couldn't. Shivam had me by throat. I know Rey wouldn't take a chance of hurting me. His eyes drank me from bottom to top, his face contorting in a battle of fight and control. His look bored into me apologetically like it was his fault I was in d situation. That made no sense to me, ok.

"U........." Shivam spat mouthful of hatred. "Oh........Looks like u have a 24*7bodyguard" Looking at me, he sniggered at Rey in an amusing mockery "Don't you dare to spoil the things again n again to me" What was he talking about? How does he know Rey? Oh God, my head would burst open any moment. "It's d third time u r interfering in my duties. Let me take her, I'll spare ur life." He warned. 3rd time.... Sure I had hit my head. He must be kidding. If not, then did Rey watched out for me? Oh man, this had become a mess. Rey grit his teeth bearing them like a crazy bulldog "I'm warning u, let her go and I'll spare ur life. If not, trust me..." His startling blue eyes sharpened into fierce fire "I'll haunt u down and chop u into pieces" He glared. I knew he was buying his time for a chance to attack Shivam. 'Taani' I heard Rey calling my name. But I could swear it wasn't loud enough, since he spoke in my head. His eyes caught mine. I stood dumbfounded in d hands of enemy. 'Don't panic. Just be calm. We r going to get out of this' Again he spoke in my head. I couldn't bring myself to wonder anymore. I just said 'Ok', in my head. I thought he heard, since his muscles slightly relaxed. Rey made a slight move. And here Shivam tightened his grip on me more. Rey's eyes darted behind us, his face struck in bewilderment. He squinted between. Even before I could sense, what was about to happen, Shivam screeched throwing himself away from me. Blood oozed out from his abdomen where silver pierced into his flesh. The blood wasn't red. Instead, sickly bluish. "Never touch my sister, u douchbag" Oh my Gosh! Swayam stood tall and handsome like a warrior in d shadows. His hand held d silver stake from which d bluish liquid dripped on earth. His rage was unlike Rey yet so much strong.

In a blink of eye, Shivam was no more a human. He had transformed into a little fly invisible to c through d mortal eyes. Before that he turned to me menacingly "If u ever going to die, I'm d one killing u" That was d last thing I heard him say. Because, d next second, I was falling. I heard Swayam and Rey darting towards me simultaneously. Who says there is only hatred between them? I had witnessed how understandingly they played d game and rescued me out of d endanger. So many incidents had numbed into void, I barely held my feet. Rey was instantly beside me, lending his arms. I ignored my pendant thrumming vibrantly on my chest, d minute he touched me. "U r ok" He soothed my hairs affectionately. "U r ok......" He closed his eyes. He was assuring more to him than me. When he opened his eyes, d pain he experienced seemed 2 much. His eyes shone guilty. It reflected d pain of losing someone dearest to his heart. In that minute, there was nothing he could hide from me. In my faint vision I caught Swayam carrying Kriya in his arms. His watery eyes were moistened. His face was hell lot of mixed emotions. He was afraid, worried, concerned and much more failed. He was looking at me like he had failed me. He had failed his own self. The same look as of Rey was smeared on him. That was d last thing I saw that night. Then, I was pulled into d darkness.  

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