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Jungwon yawned as he scrunched up the paper and threw it behind him again. He was frustrated. Although, he must give himself credit for being able to write the lyrics for a whole song in less than 30 minutes last night. Now he was trying to come up with a melody that would suit the lyrics. But his mind was blocked again.

"Dammit... How did I unblock my mind yesterday?" Jungwon groaned.

"Maybe meeting whoever you met last night did the trick?" Jungwon jumped in his seat and swivelled to see Jay suddenly appearing in the door frame.

"Oh yeah! Maybe meeting Y/n really did the trick." Jungwon smiled to himself, thinking about his new friend.

"Ah. A girl?" Jay smirked teasingly at the younger boy. Jungwon flushed before he returned to his computer.

"Then you better go meet her. You're not going to write anything if you don't. Go." And Jay shooed the tiny leader away.

"Aww but hyung-"

"Go. Just go."

"We have a meeting later."

"I'll cover for you. Just go." And Jungwon was off.

But right he needed to call her first.


"Oh uhm... hey Y/n. It's me."

"Jungwon? Oh, what's up?"

"Uhm... I just... C-can we meet up?"

"Sure. Now?"

"Yeah... Uh... where are you?"

"School. Uh... Seoul University."

"What time do you end?"

"I've already ended. I'm just in school summarising my lecture notes."

"Oh. So do I go and pick you, or..."

"Uh... if you want?"

"Great! I'll come over now!"

"Oh. Okay."

"See ya!"

"See you."

And Jungwon skipped happily to his car.

Y/n stood by the entrance to the campus. Hopefully, Jungwon wouldn't lose his way around here, right? Well, it didn't seem like he would be appearing soon, so she started surfing social media. Hopefully, Jungwon wouldn't draw attention when he arrived.

Yeah... hopefully....

"Oh my gosh. Is that Enhypen's Jungwon?"

"Oh my gosh it really is him!" Whispers were flying around as Jungwon parked the car by the roadside, getting out and looking around. He had his mask on, but stupidly not his cap.

As he saw Y/n, he quickly walked over to her. She was shocked. How can he just approach like that? In public? Doesn't he know who he is?

"Come on. Let's go." His eyes thinned into an eye smile.

"O-oh. Y-yeah." Hiding her face with her hair, she followed him quietly.

"Wait. Who's that girl going with him?"

"He has a girlfriend?"

"Who is that?" More whispers.

"At least they don't recognise me. Perks of being unknown." She thought while getting into Jungwon's car.

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