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. •. ° ✯° . •.°✧°.• .°✯ ° .• .

Jungwon stared at Y/n, face heating up. So, she did remember. Or, she just remembered. Either way, he was now exposed. There was no turning back.

"Oh.... that part...."

"Yeah..... Did you.... Did you mean it?"

"I mean.... I was kinda tipsy as well."

"Oh... yeah... And I was really drunk..."


"Just forget I asked. Or said that." Y/n shrugged the matter off. Gosh, it was so embarrassing. She should have never asked.



"Drunk people mostly always tell the truth."


"OH...!" She widened her eyes, realising what he implied, and then blushed. He turned to stare at her, chuckling.

"S-so.... you mean-"

"Yes I love you too."

"Wait he said love?!"

"O-oh.... I-I..."

"Come on. Say it. You didn't have any trouble doing so last night." He smirked. Cue the teasing. Y/n will never get a rest.

"Aish... Fine. I love you too, you brat!" Blushing madly, she looked away from him.

"That's no way to treat your boyfriend."


"I-I never said y-you were my boyfriend."

"Pretty sure we kissed already." And she turned away again.

"Oh come on. Yah stop teasing me. That's not how you're supposed to treat your girlfriend." She huffed, not sparing him a glance.

"Oh, so you're my girlfriend huh?" He smirked.

"There's no way I'm gonna win against you, right?"


"Haiz... fine." Jungwon just smiled and walked over to her, lifting her up from the chair.

"Yah! What are you doing?!" She squealed.

"Let's cuddle."

"The soup-"


"I have a hangover-"




"Ugh fine."

"Yay!" He said cutely, before bringing them to his room to cuddle.

. •. ° ✯° . •.°✧°.• .°✯ ° .• .

"Are we just gonna stay here for the whole day now?" Y/n asked as she was still wrapped in her new boyfriend's arms tightly. After 3 hours.


"What if I'm hungry?"

"Then we'll order in."

"You still need to go get the food. And, the soup. I want my hangover soup. My head hurts."

"Aww...." He pouted.

"Since when was he this baby-ish???"


"Fine. I'll reheat it for you and let you have it."

|| 𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝗽 ; 양정원Where stories live. Discover now