2 ♡ Best and Worst

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Why hello there! I should be doing work right now but... ceebs. I still can't get over the fact about how Kris and Luhan were interacting yesterday!

Anyways, here's the next part. I hope everyone is enjoying the story, I'm trying as best as I can!

Thank you :)



Okay well... this is a bit pressuring.

Worst moment... and best moment...?

I have to think fast. They're expecting me to set an example so they have an idea of what to say.


Hyung was nervous. You could see it because he was biting his lip and twiddling with his fingers while quickly trying to find an answer to Sehun's question.

"Should I start with the best or worst first?" Xiumin asks.

Everyone says in unison, "Worst."

"It's better to get it over with the bad stuff first..." Kai adds on. How cliche.

"For the worst... well... is this a bit obvious?" All the members are holding their breaths into what the eldest among us will say. 

"Knowing that Kris was leaving hit me hard. It was in the middle of promotions for our new mini-album... and I was shocked because he didn't tell anyone before. For Luhan, it was also a saddening moment but at least he told us before so we had an idea of what was coming our way."

The room fell silent. I was expecting that. That is going to come from most of our members today, I feel. Hearing that, Tao and Sehun's smiles are slowly turning into obvious frowns. They were close to Kris and Luhan respectively... but unfortunately, you can't turn back now. They may look all tough and manly, but inside, our maknaes are very supportive and fond of their hyungs.

It seemed like hours until Chen broke the silence. "What about the best?" he says trying to brighten up the mood. We're lucky we have him here. He's one of the few people who are very good at avoiding worst case scenarios.

I glance in Xiumin's direction and he quickly says, "Of course there were many good moments. but spending time with you guys throughout the end of 2013 to early 2014 with EXO Showtime was very memorable. It made me feel really good to see all of us having fun. And I know that I should work on taking care of all of you in the future since I have the responsibility of being the eldest."

That was a handful of words.

Since I was sitting next to him, I patted him softly on the back. Kai rested his head on my shoulder, and I just looked at him as I was jokingly angry.

"Suho hyung?" Lay says. 

It feels weird to skip both Kris and Luhan since they were the oldest after Xiumin. 

"2014 was filled with ups and downs, as we all know."

"Please do not start crying again like when we won before, you looked really ugly hyung." Chanyeol bursts out.

We all start laughing and Suho gets embarassed as his cheeks turn pink.

"Ya!" Suho threatens. "Anyway, worst moment are our two members leaving. Best moment is how we kept being able to get through this together. Even as 12, 11 or 10, I feel that our bond has become much stronger."

As Baekhyun is, he pretends to cry as he fakingly weeps and "wipes" his "tears" on Chanyeol's shoulder. I roll my eyes at his childishness. 

Lay, and the Beagle Line go through what they thought were the best and worst moments for them. It's been precisely 30 minutes since we've started this "discussion." It's gone much more emotional than I thought. Everyone's been saying similar things though. Even I do, since nothing else has come into mind right now.

Chen's even brought out a box of tissues for everyone, especially our emotional Tao. It's now his turn, and you can see that as he speaks he's slightly choking on his words.

"K-kris ge... and L-Lu-Luhan hyung... yea."

He doesn't say much. Seeing him cry isn't something very new, I've experienced that ever since we debuted.


It's my turn now... I want to say something different... but what do I say? Luhan and Kris is the only thing that's popping into everyone's heads right now.

"Worst moment is... well... I know that having two members leave in one year was hard for us but..." I stopped for a few seconds and all eyes were on me. "I think that as u-us K me-members, we could have su-supported the M members more in coping with Luhan and Kris' departure. It wouldn't have been easy for them." I was stuttering. I said it all in one go though, and tried to keep it as truthful and subtle as possible.

Some people nod, including Lay who was next to me. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and patted him gently. He doesn't glimpse at me one bit as he fiddles with a tissue in his hands. 

It's Sehun's turn now. Our two-sided manly and cute maknae who can seem to hold his emotions together at times but also cry easily, like that one time on Ryeowook hyung's Sukira Radio session. 

There's nothing that different about what he said, it was similar to Xiumin, Chen, Baekhyun's and everyone elses.

The atmosphere has become more drowsy and tired. I can feel it immensely. 

"Let's order some chicken," Baekhyun said.

We all agreed and after our small dinner, we got ready to go to sleep. Today was both relaxing and sad, and I bet all the other members are thinking the same as I am.

I walk into the bathroom and start to brush my teeth. D.O. comes in with his comfy pyjamas that have little penguins on it.

"Looks just like him" I jokingly thought as I smirked.

D.O sighs and murmurs softly, "It's been a long day. But it felt good letting out what we wanted to say about the past year since it's been a while when we have done that kinda stuff."

I don't say anything at all until after we've both finished brushing our teeth. Since Kyungsoo and my beds are opposite each other, we're now facing each other before we go to sleep.

I yawn so many times that my eyes start to get watery. I blinked hard and a tear trickled down my cheek. I let out a small laugh. D.O bursts out laughing and I tell him to be quiet.

"I'm tired... I'm going to go to sleep now, hyung. Have a nice sleep." I whisper since Chanyeol has already fallen asleep on the other end of the room.

He just smiles at me his heart shaped smile.

Now that we've talked about them so much, I still can't get Luhan and Kris off my mind.

What are they doing now?

Do they still speak to each other?

How are their movies going?


That's it guys! Since I'm so hyped up about a new story that I'm writing, I might as well post two chapters today. I'm not sure how many chapters there will end up being, but keep your eyes out for more!

Luhan and Kris might be having a possible collaboration stage at the CCTV Spring Gala Festival in China! #KrishanDay Fighting!

Thank you :)

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