12 ♡ Dear Kris

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Annyeong! This whole chapter is on Luhan and Kris. 

*WARNING* Cheesiness ahead...! I cringed even writing this... hehe.



Yesterday, I asked if Kris wanted to hang out for a bit. Of course it can't be too long, we'll just be discussing some confidential things. It doesn't sound too hard, but I won't probably get out of this alive, with all the fans right behind Kris and I's tails lately, after we met up.

I roam in my apartment towards the kitchen, where there is a plate of cookies. Since Kris just got back to China yesterday, I decided to make him some food since he's probably jetlag and unbelievably tired. I glance up at the clock as I pack the food into a container.

Oh, crap. I'm late. It's 5:15am.

"I'm making this sound like a date or something," I mutter to myself. I peek out the window to see no one there luckily. You are all probably wondering why I'm so early, the reason is because no one will be awake at this time and I can easily get to Kris' place without anyone taking pictures or sasaengs stalking us around.

I decided that I probably should call Kris before I get to his place, so he's aware of what's coming.

"Yo... yob-boseyo?" I start to chuckle as I hear the tired voice on the other end of the phone. "Noogooya? (Who is this)?"

"Excuse me, can you not read? Shouldn't your phone say who's calling, unless you didn't save my contact."


Boiji annneun neol chajeuryeogo aessa-

I groan loudly to myself as I hear the ringtone. Honestly, who would be calling at... 5:17am?

Oh wait, Luhan is coming in around ten minutes.

I lazily sit up in my bed after a three hour sleep as I got home super late from the airport this morning.

"Yo... yob-boseyo?" I stutter, still in utter fatigue and then proceeding to ask who was speaking.

Next thing I knew, the person on the other end was ranting to me about how I didn't save their number. After they said a word, I could already notice that it was Luhan's voice.

"Ya, what do you want? I totally didn't forget you were coming over... just come now okay? Bye," I laugh as I hang up immediately.

I haven't even bothered changing my ringtone since the beginning of last year. I place my hand over a piece of paper under my pillow last night, all crumpled up and in bad condition. It was a beautiful drawing of Luhan's photo from the "XOXO" photoshoot we did two years ago, by none other than myself. Heh.

My apartment is solidly clean, so I didn't think I had to brush up on anything. I open the curtains and peek with one eye open, just making sure no one was outside. To my luck, no one was there so Luhan would arrive safely.

Unexpectedly, the doorbell rang.

"Ya, open the door, Wu YiFan!" I hear the voice clashing with continuous bangs on the door.

I open the door with one hand, looking reluctant. As Luhan's gaze meets mine, I give him an unimpressed look. Without hesitation, he punches me in the right shoulder which signals me to stop giving him dirty looks. I jokingly grunt in pain and he just strides in the room as if it was his.

"So, what's up? I haven't talked to you in ages. Why are we here again?" Luhan questions.

"Why are you asking me? You're the one who wanted us to meet up at this Tuesday morning at 5:30am." I explain, flashing a smile and raising an eyebrow as I join him on the couch. "Oh an also, what's that in your bag, aye?"

"Cookies." He laughs as he passes me over a plate. "By the way, there's this cheesy letter in between two of the cookies so don't cringe too much after you read it."

"Should I try to find it and read it now?" I excitingly ask.


"N-nononono. I think I've already had enough cheesiness in my life whenever Tao starts crying or whenever Suho makes those cheesy speeches whenever we receive an award." I say quickly in one breath.

Honestly, it's probably one of the most heart-felt, teary messages I've written to someone. Even though I've known Kris for ages, how embarassing would it be if he read it out loud in front of the writer!

"You're going to find some of the parts interesting," I warn.

As expected from Kris, he completely ignores my point and ends up trying to find the letter. I palm my forehead in frustration as he finds the letter in a matter of seconds, and I cup my hands in my face in embarassment. 

"Deeeeeaaar, Kris,

My dongsaeng of 6 months. I know this past year has been hard for both of us. We've experienced harships, tiring times and time when we wish to give up or not exist.

It is not easy for anyone, and I'm proud that we both made it out of most of this chaos until now.

Leaving EXO was hard, wasn't it? We had to leave some of the best friends we promised to stay with till the end, and received harsh criticism from literally half of Seoul.

There's something that I need to tell you, all those times you were crying in the training room and thought no one was watching? Well, I was there, hearing you from outside. Whenever you weren't with the rest of us in the dorm, I knew something was up because you weren't the joking, funny, happy Kris you were known as.

Of course as of now, I'm happy for both of us,. But don't you think something's missing? I know you've been thinking of this for a while, Kris. Don't you think they need us back?

Even though I don't see them, I know that they haven't been strong and coping with themselves over the past few weeks since all the news has been revolving around us nowadays. Sehun sent me a text last night saying that some members have teared up thinking about us. But I can't think of a reply unless I see them in person. Don't you think something should change? Just something to keep in mind.

Saranghae, always!

From, your favourite hyung."

His lips were trembling, his eyes were slightly watery, his voice was quavering.

My body forces me to wrap my hands around him, and I cannot stop myself from doing that. Even though I thought we hugged before at the rehearsal, it didn't feel like this. I haven't properly hugged Kris in so long, and the last time I remembered was around a week before he left the group.

His face remains confused, and I can immediately recall what he is thinking. Probably thinking about what I was trying to mean in the message I had just written for him. There are many questions on his mind that remain unanswered for now.


I never knew Luhan hyung had this side to him. Psch. Okay. I knew all the fans thought of him as some girl looking man who was one of the most feminine looking out of all of us, but around the members, he always acted like a completely different, manly, person. So reading this out loud to him and knowing it was from him, was utterly strange in my mind.

I'm now in his arms, and not sure how to react. After moments he pulls away from me and locks his eyes with mine. It's the look of I-know-what-you-are-thinking.

There are so many questions that I wanted to ask Luhan hyung.

You want a change? You want to still be with the company? You miss everyone? Something seems to be missing? Something's not right? You want to join EXO again?


ooooo.. what's gonna happen?

Next chapter will be back to the other members' points of views. 

I apologise for not updating in around a week, I'm currently sick with a fever and I have an unendless stack of homework to finish. Can school please give me a break? :(

Thank you for reading, saranghae to all you readers out there!

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