14 ♡ More Rehearsals

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Happy to be back after a small hiatus because of all my term exams. For those who are still reading, thank you!

No Particular POV in this one and more to come as well :)


"Wow, Kai!" Sehun screams running into the room with a hand with bubble tea and a phone in the other. "The fans love you alot."

Kai points his gaze at Sehun, and looks confused as everyone else in the room. Sehun gives off a obvious cough full of sarcasm and points to his phone screen, opened at Kai's 'Pathcode Teaser' for EXO's upcoming album.

"Ya jinjja, you don't even know how many of our fans are thinking too much! All of them are creating theories about your video like it's the end of the world. And hello, it's only been the first one out of all ten of us!" Baekhyun exclaims worriedly.

"To be honest all of their brain cells will proably be gone by the end of the teaser uploads," Suho adds on.

Chanyeol rolls up his sleeve to check his watch, while giving a look towards Tao. "Your teaser is coming out in around five minutes!"

After hearing all the hustle about Kai getting so many views on the YouTube video of him, he decides to check out all the buzz himself as well. After the teaser was released, he posted a video of himself on Instagram, and Sehun was not kidding. In his mind, he even admitted to himself that at around this time, his popularity was no joke. He's only had Instagram for a week and now everyone's just feeding hints of him!

Well, it was planned by himself and the company for him to post 'BARCELONA 10:10' anyway. The fans have been waiting anxiously for way too long and he felt the need to not leave them helpless wiht no clues on what was going to happen next.

The door knob is twisted and EXO's manager hollers in, whistling their new track, Exodus. "Rehearsals are on today, boys. We have SMTown concert in less than a week and we're heading off in three days. We've got to rehearse all the older songs and have a break off the new album for the time being. Fix and go over your formations, I'll be checking on you guys soon."

And with that, he was out the door already.

"Did I tell you guys I won't be performing in Taiwan this weekend?" Lay chimes in after he's been zoning out for a while.

"What?! I swear you haven't told anyone this." Chen argued in reply. "You always forget to tell us important stuff before hand, hyung. Get your act together!"

"Huh? O-okay. Well, I'm too busy filming my new movie."

"You have a new movie?!"

"Okay Chen, just please shush for the time being. As you all know, Tao won't be performing either. You know what that means, we've gotta be performing with 8 members." Suho reassures with a heavy sigh.

Rolled eyes on faces fill the room and Kyungsoo bursts out, "Are you serious? Okay, not to be a bit rude towards the team but do you not know how bad Wolf looks with 8 members? How do we even do that? We already lost our awesome ending because Luhan hyung has left. And okay, I just can't bear seeing only Sehun doing that."

"Me too, hyung. But we just gotta change it up again. I'm guessing we will only have one 'tree' during the bridge and everyone will be in the whole dance, right?" Sehun makes sure, while nodding his head.

Everyone does the same in return.

"Rehearsal room in 10," Xiumin blankly says.


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