5 ♡ Reminded

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As you will see with chapters to come, chapters before and this chapter also, I try to make the performances/events as realistic as possible. As you probably know, EXO did perform at the Seoul Music Awards, which I stated in the previous chapters.

I hope everyone is enjoying the story! Here it is...



It's been four days since performing. I'm tired and restless. I swear my vocal cords are just about to die.

I take out my phone and scroll through my texts. I haven't texted Taenggie for ages so I just texted her about how she's doing. I saw her fall in Sehun's place on stage the other day, and I was worried. Luckily, she should be in an okay condition.

"Ige bwoya? (What is this)?" Chanyeol says while walking in and nearly hitting his face right on the door because his eyes are fixed on his phone. Lay's strolling right behind him, and his eyes won't leave the phone screen either.

Secretly, I know and all the other members know that Chanyeol loves getting all the attention to himself. Whenever we are the guests on a Variety Show, whenever we receive an award, he always wants to be in the shot of the camera which will broadcast later on. Because of this, I know he loves reading Koreaboo and what's been going on on all those websites which update all the gossip about K-pop, K-dramas, you get the drill.

"Daebak."  Lay says in a sarcastic tone.

"Huh?" I reply as they both plop on the couch next to me.

"Hyung, check this out." Chanyeol says as he shoves the phone screen right in front of my eyes that they cannot even focus.

I read it out loud.

"Jessica follows Kris on her new Instagram and both follow each other on Weibo," I say in a not so reassuring town as my speaking slows down in doubt as the title drags on.


Wah jinjja. They still keep in touch now? I wonder what they talk about... How bad SM is? I hope not. Or maybe they like each other? No way... ew. I've already had that shock when I realised Baek Hyung and Taeyeon noona were dating.

"What's going on between them?" Sehun says as he walks into the room. He's probably heard about it too, since he literally just came out of nowhere with bubble tea in his hand, phone in the other.

"I don't even know... I find it kinda strange." Lay says.

"Well, since I keep updated about this, I saw them sitting next to each other at those Chinese Fashion Awards thing."

"Yep, saw that somewhere," Sehun adds on to my statement.

"Well, we better get ready for the fansigning event this afternoon!" I say. Half of us are in Busan while the other half are at Sinchon right now. I'm excited to see how many fans will be waiting for us, but I do feel sorry for them waiting for such a long time. Oh well.


I cannot stop coughing. I'm still sick and I was going to not perform at the Seoul Music Awards, but I already missed the Golden Disk Awards in Hong Kong around two weeks ago. Manager hyung would think that I'm making too many excuses nowadays. 

Today we're going to be meeting up with all our fans. It's very chilly outside, and Kai and I are both shivering and we haven't even stepped a foot outside yet. 

We take a car to seat the five of us, (Kai, Suho, Chen, Tao and I)  to the fan signing venue made by Nature Republic. I'm not even kidding when I say their products are amazing, how do you think I got this fabulous skin of mine? 

We arrive there not too long afterwards and I can already see the fans eagerly waiting for us. 

Wow. There are so many of them, if I counted them all it would be over 10,000. I am very gratefull for all the fans. They have probably been waiting for a long time... I think my lip muscles will hurt from smiling to much, as well as my fingers from signing over 10,000 pieces of paper or posters.


I hurriedly jump out of the car as I am so excited to be meeting up with all the fans. It's been a while, and I realised that the number of them kept decreasing within the month after Luhan and Kris left in October and May. But now they are so many people, that even looking at them my eyes hurt.

My hands are freezing, so I put on the gloves as quickly as possible. Most of us even brought a bunch of hot packs just in case one of us or are fans are freezing. I remember giving hot packs to all the ghosts in the haunted house we completed in Exo Showtime! The good days.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Exo's dancing machine Chen ibnida!" I scream and wave to the crowd. A roar of screeching fills my ears. 

After short introductions, the fan signing starts.

There are very nice and cute fans who have given me lots of nice gifts. Some gave me bracelets, some gave me cards, some gave me toys. I sometimes feel guilty on how much I receive nowadays. But there's also been a lot of things that the fans have been asking me in person, things that I cannot answer.

"What about Luhan oppa?"

"Will he be coming back?"

"What's Kris oppa doing?"

"Do you still talk to them?"

"I miss Kris... and Luhan oppas..."


Chen is sitting next to me in the fansigning, and he always nudges me whenever he talks to a fan and they ask him what Kris and Luhan hyungs are up to. I avoid the situation and always start a conversation with the fans and not the other way around. 

Since we have not done a fan signing event in a while, I forgot about pre plotting what I would say to all the fans when they asked me that. My mind always goes blank and I am not very good at answering those questions properly.

If they avoid my conversation starter, I usually just respond with "I do not know, or sorry." I give them a hot pack in return or maybe take a selca with them.


More Luhan questions. More Kris questions. I think it's too much for my brain to handle. 

I simply try to avoid it and continue signing as if I did not hear because of the amount of noise the fans make. 

A girl comes up to me with angry eyes and tells me about how we kicked Kris and Luhan out. How we do not deserve their company. She did not even come to us to get anything signed, so she must have been desparate if she has been waiting this long. It makes me upset whenever I see people like that approaching us. She scolds all of us but we must not look sad in front all of the other loving and supportive fans after her!

It's been a long fansigning event. I think around 10 fa- no, not fans. "People", have told us that we were bad and lectured us shortly about Kris and Luhan hyungs. 

Baekhyun lost his ring as well... which is a bit sad since one of the fans has obviously taken it. I sigh heavily under my breath, I want to see the other members who were having their event in Sinchon and discuss what kind of fans they encountered.


Even with this one, they did have a fan-signing event too :)

Kris and Jessica did follow each other on Weibo too :)

I hope you liked this chapter and stay tuned for more! Thank you so much :)

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