18 ♡ Always here for you

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Hey guys! I've finally found time to update this story. Sulay and hunhan moments ahead.



I guess you could say it's over. Sehun's plan failed. Gathering all the members up, and trying to get Tao back to us was a waste of time. It was all a waste. Now he was gone, and he left just like Kris... leaving without telling one of us. One second he was right by my side, the next he was out the door. None of us are over it and our hearts felt like they were pierced for the third time.

The door creaks open, which gives me an unexpected shock. I start to lift up on my feet to see who the footsteps and heavy breathing belongs to, but am taken aback when the figure immediately enters. "Hyung? Can I c-come in?" I hear Lay stutter blankly, and his voice sounds drained. There was no energy in it and I have to admit that this was the first time one of the members have talked to me in two days. I admit that some of us have barely set foot out of our rooms. I admit that a part of our close bond has been broken. I admit that I miss Lay and our relationship between each other as well.

The warmth of his embrace makes me feel more comfortable, and makes me feel a light tint of happiness inside of me. It's not a lot, but it's grown from before and I'm lucky to have him here with me right now. I'm frustrated as well... and as stubborn as this sounds, frustrated at the members for not caring for me enough and not taking into consideration what I've been through as the leader of the group sometimes. Lay is the first one to notice the horrible mental state I've been in since Tao left, and it still hasn't been able to process in my mind.

I rest my head in my hands, and Lay does nothing else but hugs me silently. My cheeks are hot and before I know it, tears are rolling down my cheeks. I sob into my hands and Lay does nothing but continues to hug me. "Hyung..." he murmurs under his unsure breath, waiting for a reaction from me that wasn't a complete crying mess. This is the hardest I've cried since Kris left, at least I was grateful that Luhan told me before he confirmed his departure from the group.

My sweaty hands begin to cling on Lay's arm and he continues to pat my back in an act of comfort. He eventually lets go and I can sense my eyes beginning to swell up because of the puffiness. "I'm sorry... this is all my fault isn't it..." I say. Before I let Lay speak another word, I continue on. "All those netizens, all those people out there all tell me it's my fault. Our manager even blamed me because of what I did, and I've lost so much respect over the past two years."

"Stop saying things like that," Lay tells me sternly with a concerned expression spread across his face. I could not stop myself and the tears that stream down my skin. "Can you stay with me for the night in my room? I just... really need someone with me right now," I ask in a heavy sigh, awaiting Lay's answer.


It should feel like a regular Wednesday morning, but it clearly isn't. I'm doing what I normally should be this time of the day, being the first one to wake up, cleaning up the kitchen of the dorm and starting to make breakfast. I'm debating if I should be making breakfast for all the members today, or just myself. I don't know if I would still be comfortable with talking to them, and vice versa at this moment. Tao's gone. If I keep repeating those painful words in my head and never let go of them, I wouldn't be getting anything done and keeping my life on track at the moment.

I come to the realisation that today's our first rehearsal day for our comeback since Tao had left. I'm assuming we are going to have to almost start from scratch with all the choreography, and re block all the pieces. We also have our EXOLuxion concert coming up in Taiwan, which means more hard work, more body pains, more tears, more sweat.

I head over to the practise room, and there's no doubt that I'm the first one there. I sit on the wooden floor of the room, and stare at myself in the mirror with a blank expression. In an instant, I shake my head and get up to start stretching and practising. I put down my cup of coffee and am about to start exercises until both Lay and Suho stride into the room, one arm around each other.

While lifting up one leg and focusing my eyes on one still object to maintain my balance, I mutter, "I'm guessing you two came here together?"

Lay replies with a nod and Suho gives me a glance of a feeling which I cannot comprehend. He probably forgot I even had a mouth to talk since it's the first time I've done so in ages. One by one the members enter, and the silence sucks everyone into a never ending hole.


I'm heading my way to the practise room... and alone as well. The contact I've made with any of the members since Tao's departure has almost been invisible yet at the same time unbearable. My phone buzzes, and I cautiously take it out of my pocket, my hands heating up because of the sun's reflection in this time of the morning. My eyes intensely widen when I see name of the contact who is ringing me, and my fingers hover and shake over the accept button. What? This can't be real... this must be fake. What reads my screen is the name 'Lu'. Lu as in Luhan. Luhan as in the one I care for the most, even after he left. The one I want to hug again, see again, spend time with again.

"But how?!" I squint my eyes in the harsh and loud words of Luhan's voice. I recognise his voice in an instant, and I frantically speak into my microphone, "He-hello? Hello?" There is no reply but more words which come out in a blur.

"We need to figure out how first before we do anything." Luhan's voice rings in my ears once more. I'm confused and puzzled to find what situation Luhan and myself are in at this moment, and I wonder who he is talking to. I say 'hello' repeatedly once again, almost now screaming into my phone, waiting for an answer from the one which I haven't talked to in so long.

"Well, I will agree to this, but I'm not going to help to try and find a way." Luhan continues. I cannot stop pondering at what he must be talking about, and I have eventually given up on trying to make him hear me across the line. One more scream into the phone and I may as well end up losing my voice which probably isn't the smartest idea.

I breathe a heavy sigh and was just about to hang up the phone, until I heard a set of important words, more like mumbles, regretful mumbles. These words were combined with a name which sounded familiar. One that sounded familiar yet unknown and unheard in such a long amount of time. One that even until the day I die, that name will remain in my memory forever.

"K-kris... I'm sorry. Find a way first, it's too hard at the moment."


Hey guys! I've finally had time to update, and I really hope you enjoyed this chapter. Especially if you're a hardcore sulay and hunhan shipper like me :')
Anyone else in love with love me right? SUCH AN ADDICTIVE SONG... I LOVE THEIR WHOLE ALBUM! Ordered it already so I'm super excited.
I hope Tao is having a fun time doing his own important things in L.A. I miss him but as long as he's happy, I'm supporting his decision!
Thanks for reading, see you guys soon. :)

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