23 ♡ Regret

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"So this is a bit weird... isn't it? But the feeling, I miss it." I say, without even hesitating one bit.

"What's so weird?" Tao says, like the clueless maknae he always has been.

"I think what Luhan is trying to say is that us 3, out of all the members are in the same room once again. We all did the same thing, maybe even the same mistake... the three of us were selfish and didn't care about the other members and left the group without a very solid reasoning." Kris covers up for me, and I nod back in thanks for clearing it up. "But I think we should get to the point... what are we going to do to get back in?"

I suddenly remember what Sehun had said to me a few hours ago, the ultimate plan to reassure that all the members would be glad to see us again. "Let me tell you, it's gonna get pretty damn emotional, we all know Sehun tries to be all cool and all on the outside but on the inside, he has a really soft heart."

Tao and Kris just roll their eyes thinking I'm trying to be all deep and everything, but they don't know what they're gonna feel when it really happens.

"There's gonna be a whole VCR and everything about what we've done since we left, and now we have to record video messages to the other members and Sehun will organise to put them on the VCR too on Christmas Day in the practice room. After they play the VCR we'll just awkwardly shuffle into the room and see what their reactions are." I explain sternly and snap my fingers in front of their faces, making sure the two of them are still in their right mind and completely hearing me out.

I take out my recording device and tell them to think of what to say. "Let's get this recording started."


I've never felt so much pressure on my shoulders in such a long time. The other 8 members have no idea what's going on, and to be honest I'm surprised Suho hyung hasn't found out barely anything yet.

Luhan, Kris and Tao better be doing what I said to Luhan, or this plan could crumble into pieces in a matter of seconds. For once in a damn long time, there's no schedule today which allows me to plan this thing right with concentration, which I warn you, don't have alot of anyway. Honestly speaking, I'm pretty mad about getting all the work on me but on the other hand, no one was as close to Luhan hyung as much as I was, even though everyone thought him and Xiumin had some super tight bond going on.

I'm worried and excited at the same time, I'm worried about how this is going to turn out, what if something goes wrong? But it's going to be such great yet emotional surprise for the rest of the members, I'm still bummed that I wouldn't feel the same amount of shock since I already knew about everything since the beginning.


There's definitely something going fishy lately. Suho and Sehun have stopped talking to each other, and I have no idea why. Sehun is never hanging out with any of us lately, and all he does normally is go around pestering everyone about buying him some more bubble tea or being the rowdy, playful maknae he is.

Chanyeol, Chen and I are all in our room, and I feel like I should ask them if they're feeling the same way. "Hey kids, do you think Sehun is up to something lately?"

Chen burst into energy and immediately replied, "I thought I was the only one!" Chanyeol was in a daze and had no idea what we were talking about, so I'm guessing he just went alone with what Chen and I were saying.

"Well, whatever it is that you think he's up to or you're suspecting him of doing, I don't think we should bother him about it because guys, it's Christmas Eve! Tomorrow's Christmas and we probably shouldn't make a fuss in front of the other members for the next few days." Chanyeol whispers, making a pretty valid point for all of us to agree on.

Christmas is my favourite time of the year, so you could say I'm excited. Last year I didn't spend it with any of the members because some of them were off doing individual things such as filming for dramas, so I ended up spending it with Taeyeon... which is a bit awkward to say about now. The year before we spent Christmas filming EXO Showtime and watched Miracle in Cell No.7 where we all cried... wow, that was really a long time ago. Tomorrow Chanyeol, Suho and I have a V app recording, then we are going to head back to the dorm to watch some movies with the rest of the members which I'm really looking forward to!



It's finally Christmas afternoon, and this is the day when everything is going to change... I can't even imagine how much pressure is on Sehun right now and I kind of feel sorry for him since I haven't thanked him for any of this. Luhan and Tao slept over at mine's for Christmas Eve, but we didn't do anything that special because we were all to exhausted.

We're currently in the car heading over to our old dorm, or EXO's current dorm. I don't even know if I should be called part of EXO at the moment, I don't even know if the other members will be glad to see us, happy to see us, excited to see us... there's no clue about how they would react yet. Our words of apology were said in the video messages we recorded last night, I still can't believe how stupid I was almost 2 years ago for just abandoning them all like that.

I don't regret many things in my life so far, but that decision was definitely one of them.


HI GUYS! Ohmygod I am so sorry for not updating in such a long time, and would love to wish you all a wonderful Happy New Year and I hope you all had a merry Christmas~. I have missed writing this story so much, and I would like to say that there is one more chapter left, and then a final short epilogue!

Thank you so much for still supporting and reading this story. I am so grateful! 

Happy reading and see you soon!~

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