10 ♡ Unlucky

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Hey everyone :)

From now on, all the chapters will be not real and more not based on realistic things happening right now, to change it up abit and make it a bit less obvious in what's coming next. 

Please bear with me, thank you :)



Suho? Annyeong. I do not know if you changed your number but I'm here to tell you if you haven't already known that I saw Luhan a few days ago. He is very healthy and we are both doing okay here in China. There's no need to worry about us anymore and I wish to see you again soon... Bye.

My vision blurs as I read the message. Is this real?

Ever since Kris left, our manager forced us to give our phones to him and if we didn't we got slapped like Baekhyun did when he refused to lend his phone to him. It was to delete Kris' number off our phones, but this text is obvious that it is from him.

I'm suprised he did not get forced to lose our numbers too... well that's a good thing I guess.


I walk out of the bathroom that Suho and I share after coming back from our bubble tea session. I brushed my teeth and washed my face, before finding Suho sitting up hunched on his bed, his mouth wide open in surprise and his fingers pressing his phone rapidly.

"Ummmmm... why are you like that hyung?" I chuckle under my breath because of the expression on his face. 

I toddle over to him and see him mouthing the message. My eyes lay on the message and it's obvious that it's Kris hyung even though there's no sender ID. I read it carefully and I already knew what he was talking about with meeting Luhan hyung since we talked about it the other day.


The smell and atmosphere of airports continue to disgust me no matter how many I've been in. I'm waiting to board and I'll be boarding first since I'm in First Class.

Out of boredom, I take out my phone carefully and see Suho's shocking reply from my text. I was nervous that it might have been sent to a stranger because since I haven't contacted him for ages, he might have changed his number easily. Luckily, he didn't.

"Ne hyung, I will see you soon... sometime. Thank you for updating me, I hope you are doing well." I read Suho's reply in my head. I worry about him some time because I was the leader of EXO-M and now he has to take care of all ten of them including himself on his own.

I barely check my phone, as I did state before. And right now, Suho's text isn't the top priority I was thinking of getting updated by.

I scroll down to my contacts and see Luhan's name. I'm probably thinking that he's waiting for me to contact him, as he did say so in the rehearsal just before we left. 


The phone rings. I widen my eyes as I take the phone out of my back pocket, rushing to answer. "Yoboseyo?" I said that because the call was an international one, it might have come from someone in Korea.

"Luhan hyung?" I already knew from that tone that it was Kris. I was glad that he had remembered to call me, despite both our busy schedules.

"What are you doing in another country? It says it's an international call," I say in a deep tone.

It's been a few days since we saw each other at the rehearsal. 

"I'm in Korea for a bit because I needed to receive some packages that could not be sent over to my place back in China," He mentions.

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