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It was the day that Ash is getting discharged from the hospital. He's been in for 1 week and he's been sick of it. We're all talking to Brad again which I am glad because the boys are just beginning to go somewhere with the band. We're moving to Australia in 6 days and I can't wait! all of us have got separate houses meaning Jess is with James, Aimee with Connor, me with Tris and Brad on his own. Luke, Mike and Cal are all still living with their family's and Ash is living on his own but we all live near each other.

"You ready" Tris shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
"Yeh 1 sec" I shouted back.
"Girls take so long" Mike huffed.
"Tell me about it" Tris moaned.
"I can hear you" I giggled.
"Well it's true" Luke chuckled. I hit him on the arm playfully.
"Ow, what was that for" he huffed rubbing is arm.
"A real man wouldn't have felt that" I giggled.
"Tris I think you should punish her" Luke smirked.
"Don't worry I will" he smirked.
"PDA GUYS!" Cal screamed, covering his eyes.
"Lets go get my brother" I said, strutting outside. It was only me, Tris, Mike, Luke and Cal coming as the others set up a welcome home party!
Once we got to the hospital, Ash was already up and signing the discharge forms.
"Slow down tiger" I giggled.
"Katie" he shouted, trying to run but he stopped in pain.
"Take your time, don't get to excited" I said running over to him.
"Now Mr.Irwin you will have to have plenty of rest and take it easy okay" the doctor said, sternly.
"Will he still be able to fly in 6 days?" Luke asked.
"Yes that should be fine but make sure he takes his painkillers" the doctor said before leaving.
"Come on Ash lets go home" I smiled.
"I love you sis" he smiled.
"I love you too bro" I smiled.
"Come on let's go, I hate hospitals" Mike moaned.

When we got home I opened the front door revealing Brad, Connor, James, Jess and Aimee standing there with streamers.
"Welcome home Ash!" we all chanted.
"Thanks guys I love you all so much" he said, trying not to cry"
"Aww is little Ash crying" Cal cooed.
"Give him a break" I giggled.
We all went in and had a mini party making sure that Ash didn't over do it. After a couple of hours we all went to bed. I was brushing my teeth getting ready for bed when Tris wrapped his arms around my waist, leaving wet kisses down my neck.
"Tris what are you doing, let me clean my teeth" you giggled. He let go of me smirking. Once I'd finished I walked over to him.
"Now I remember that you needed to be punished" he smirked.
"Oh really, have I been a bad girl" I smirked.
"A very bad girl" he smirked.

I'll leave the next part to your imagination because I didn't want to write smut again!
Anyway I won't be able to update this week as in going to Paris with the school tonight and I won't be back until Friday night.

Eden xx

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