Australia (part 5)

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We had spent most days with the boys and some with just me and Tris. It was the day that I was dreading, it was time to go home. This holiday has been the best, I met my brother, I made new friends and I lost my virginity! I am going to miss Ash and the boys but they're coming over for Christmas which is in 6 weeks which I can't wait for!

Our flight was at 10am so we left the hotel at 8am. Ash and Luke took us to the airport which I was grateful for.
"You guys ready?" Ash asked.
"Yup" Tris said sounding the P.
"I'll get your bags Katie" Luke smiled.
"Thanks" I said. Tris glared at Luke.
"What's your problem" I whispered to Tris.
"Him" Tris snapped. I just ignored him. The drive to the airport was silent apart from arctic monkeys playing in the background.

When we got to the airport Ash and Luke came with us. Tris shook both their hands while I gave Luke a hug.
"See you later Katie" Luke smiled.
"Bye Luke" I smiled back.
"I'll see you later little one" Ash said trying not to cry.
"See you later big bro" I cried before giving him a hug.
"Look after her" Ash shouted.
"Don't worry I will" Tris shouted back.

Our flight didn't have to leave until another hour so we went for something to eat. We both had bacon rolls and hot chocolate. Tris wouldn't really talk to me, he just made small talk.
"Are you looking forward to Christmas to see Luke again" Tris huffed.
"What is your problem, we're friends and that's it and yes I am looking forward to seeing them" I snapped.
"I'm sorry, it's just I don't want to loose you" Tris sighed.
"You won't I promise" I smiled.
"So what have you got me for Christmas" Tris grinned.
"It's a secret" I smirked.
"Ughhh, I hate secrets" he moaned.
"So what have you got for me" I giggled.
"Something you'll love" he smirked.

*flight 0996 to London please make your way to gate 5*

We made our way to the gate. I was so happy that me and Tris were alright, me and Luke were just friends.

We had landed and it was 12pm British time. I texted Ash to say we landed safely and that I miss him already.

Once we got back home the others were all there waiting for us at the door.
"I've missed you guys so much" I screamed hugging them all. Tris said his hello's before him and the boys went out for a catch up. I was left with the girls.
"So you and Ashton Irwin are siblings, omg" Aimee screamed.
"I know it was the shock of my life" I said.
"Do you get on?" Jess asked.
"Yeh, like we've known each other for years" I explained.
"Did you and know.. " Jess smirked.
"Maybe" I giggled. They both smirked.
"What about Luke?" Aimee asked.
"What about him?" I asked.
"Well Tris texted the boys saying that you and Luke were getting on a bit too well" Jess said.
"We're just good friends I promise, I like Luke but not like that" I snapped.
"We believe you" Aimee said.
"Thanks gals" I said hugging them

*Tris's POV*
So the guys and I thought we'd catch up and leave the girls to have a girls talk. We decided to go to Nandos, obviously!
"So, I can't believe Ashton Irwin is Katie's brother" Connor said.
"I know one of my close friends happens to be my girlfriends brother" I laughed.
"So are you and Katie alright now" James asked.
"Yeh she explained that Luke and her are just friends, and I do trust her and Luke is my mate" I said.
"So do you think Luke likes her?" Brad asked.
"I think he does" I sighed.
Brad had never said a word then left to go the toilet.
"What's up with him" I asked worried
"Not sure he's been weird all week" James said.
"You don't think it's happening again, do you.." Connor said.
"No it can't be" I said reassuringly.

Hey I got wattpad on my iPod so I can update on the weekdays now!

Eden xx

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