Presents and Decisions

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Liam came out of his room ten minutes later and joined Louis, Eleanor, Niall, and me in the living room. First, Louis opened his present from Zayn and Perrie. It was a bag full of carrots and "Grease", his favorite movie. Next, his present was from Eleanor. She got him a dog tag necklace that said "LWT + EJC" and the word "Forever" at the bottom.

It looked like all of us were getting teary eyed from her gift. "I love you," Louis told Eleanor. Then, he started kissing her (that was weird for the rest of us). After that, it was Niall's turn. He got Louis a shirt that said "Niall's my favorite. He deserves all my food." "How generous!" I said, causing everyone to laugh. Liam got Louis a song book for his piano.

Everyone searched around the room for Harry, but they didn't need to. We could all feel that he wasn't there. "HARRY!!!" Louis cried. I could tell he was faking a little, but he really was upset about Harry not being there with him. Surprisingly, Harry walked out of his room with a present.

He seemed less lonely now, but the sadness was still lingering. "I'm here." Harry forced himself to smile. Louis lit up, "Come sit with me!" Harry slowly made his way over. He stopped for half a second to look at me, and then continued.

"Here's your present Boo Bear." Harry winked at Louis. Louis snatched it and started ripping the wrapping paper to shreds. "OH MY GOSH, HARRY! I LOVE YOU...wait, what is it?" We all looked into the box and there was just a piece of paper. "Does it say anything?" I asked.

Louis shrugged and grabbed the paper. "It says...'Hope you like this present'." That caused silence for about five minutes straight. We didn't even notice Harry was gone again. "Um, am I missing something?" Niall said. We all had uncertain faces.

Then, Harry came out and started singing "Moments". It made me sad to hear it, but it was Louis' favorite out of all of their songs. At first, I didn't mind. After all, it was Louis' birthday and I knew Harry was doing it to be nice, but then Harry's attention turned to me.

He wore a serious expression with his body angled completely towards me while beautifully singing the words of the song; he gazed into my surprised eyes. Nervously, my eyes flickered to Louis and he appeared just as bewildered as I did.

Harry got louder while he sang the lyrics, "You know I'll be, your life, your voice, your reason to be...My love, My heart is breathing for this... Moment in time. I'll find the words to say, before you leave me today..." When he finished, no one said anything. Harry was still staring me down, while Niall looked annoyed.

"Could you stop? She already feels terrible about hurting you. You don't need to make it worse by hurting her in return." Niall glared at Harry. "You're the only one who's making everything worse. If you weren't here, then I'd be able to be with Lily! I should be with her, not you!" Harry was angry and Niall was upset.

"Guys, stop. It's Louis' birthday. Sort out your problems later." Eleanor tried reasoning with them. "You know I'm better for her anyways." Harry didn't stop looking at Niall and completely ignored Eleanor, making Louis irritated now. "Harry, stop!" Everyone looked at Louis. He'd never yelled at Harry before. Harry looked hurt and his face was full of disbelief.

He found my worried eyes and I saw true pain and torture in his. Then he ran out of the room. "I'm sorry, Louis. Here's the gift I got you. I'm gonna go talk to Harry." As I turned to leave, Niall softly took my arm. "You don't have to do this, Lily. He'll get over it by tomorrow." I shook my head, "We all know he won't."

I went up to Harry's door and cautiously knocked. "Go away; I want to be left alone." Harry's deep voice cracked after saying "alone". "Let me in, please. I want to talk to you." I heard him sigh and open the door. I was about to walk in, but he pulled me in. He shut the door, making me nervous again. I heard Niall outside the door, "I'll be here, Lily." "Okay," I answered.

Harry rested on his bed while I took a nearby chair. "Harry, please tell me what you're thinking." He sniffled and turned away. I decided to sit with him on his bed to see if it would make a difference. He turned back towards me and there was something new in his eyes. Hope, I guess? It was amazing how being physically closer to him would cause him to act differently.

"I want you to be with me instead of Niall. You know me more and we have more in common. I'll always be able to care for you better than him." Harry played with the pillow on his bed while he waited for my response. "We do have a lot in common, but I like Niall."

Harry looked deep into my brown eyes. "I don't believe you. I think you're making yourself like him, because you're afraid of falling for me. I'm the closest to you and you think you need me to always be there for you. You think a relationship will ruin that, but I promise it won't. I'll never leave your side. Just choose me."

Oh great, he was good at convincing. I think he knows me more than I know myself. I realized that I do like him. I like Niall too though. They both mean so much to me. Harry smiled, "I know that when you don't answer right away, it means you agree with me. You just don't want to admit it."

"Harry, I just can't. I feel like the worst person in the world. Please don't make me choose between the two people that mean the most to me." Harry took my hand. "Niall is a great, caring friend, but I'm better for you. He's not mature enough to understand the right way to treat you." I laughed, but my laugh had no humor in it. "And I guess you think you understand the right way to treat me?" Harry nodded.

"We aren't even dating yet, and you're acting like we're going to get married or something," I sighed. "I need time to think," I added. Harry nodded again and wrapped his arms around me. I smiled, "Alone." Harry understood and got up to leave. "Thanks, but no thanks. I'll go to the guest room. I need to rest anyways." Harry kissed my cheek and I blushed. "Don't do that," I scolded. Harry smirked.

"Don't do what?" Then he leaned in, and I hit him. He cried out and I ran away while laughing. "Did you attack Harry?" Niall wondered amusingly when I came out. "I guess you could say that." Niall laughed, "Good job!"

I went in the guest room and passed out right away. There had been too much stress today. Unfortunately, there's one troubling question that still remains. Niall or Harry?

Love is just too confusing.

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