Preparing For The Date

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“You know what?” Niall asked with unexpected enthusiasm. “What?” I responded with an amused tone. He was so silly sometimes, but it was the cutest thing ever. “I’m going to take you on a date. The directioners don’t know we’re dating, and I think they should. We’ve been dating since Wednesday, right?”

I gasped with fake shock. “You don’t even remember the best day of your life?! I’m ashamed!” He laughed and tickled me. “Niall, please stop!” He continued and I couldn’t stop laughing. “I’LL MAKE IT SO THAT YOU CAN’T HAVE CHILDREN!!!” I yelled.

Finally, he stopped and smoothed my hair. “Our children will be the cutest though.” Wow! Was not expecting that…should I say “Aww” or just laugh it off like it’s a joke? I think I’ll choose option 2 because I’m lame.

I nervously laughed and pushed him away. “Well, I should go get ready. Girls need all day, you know. So, how should I dress?” I changed the subject trying not to be too awkward. Luckily, he acted as if he never said it. “Hmm, formally. Like a dress.” I quickly hugged him and ran off to my closet. I texted Ashley and asked for her opinion.

To: Ash:) ~ Heyy! Niall is taking me out on a date later…thought he’d never ask! What should I wear because I’m freaking out! BTW, he said I have to dress formally. Maybe if I can’t find anything, we could go shopping?

I rummaged throughout my whole closet and pulled out the dresses. I didn’t even notice Niall was still in my room. Yes, the guest room is now mine! Yesterday, on Friday, I had gotten all my stuff and moved in. I used to have a townhouse close to my school...ew.

In case you’re wondering, I go to a music/arts school. Harry’s there with me and Niall goes to learn more about music; he just can’t resist me…but who can blame him? Ha, just kidding about that last part.

Niall said tomorrow he was going to help me paint my room light blue. Later, I would add neon green designs to make it cool and unique. I hate that tomorrow is my last day of freedom. Monday is school again…lucky me. I heard my ringtone, “Kiss you” obviously by my favorite group of people! Ashley had texted back!

From: Ash:)~ Oh my goshh I’m so excited for you!!!! Can I come over in like 10 minutes?


Ugh, I forgot Niall was in my room again! I need to stop being so distracted. I walked out of my closet and stared at him. He was lying on my bed looking at something on his phone. I cleared my voice, “Um, Niall” He looked up and smiled, “Yes, love?” I bounced over and kissed him on his soft cheek.

“You have to get out now. I want it to be a surprise what I’m going to wear.” He chuckled and leaned closer to me. “Can I at least make you something for breakfast?” I shrugged, “Just get me a banana and I’ll be fine.” That caused him to give me a look like I was an alien with 4 heads.

“Don’t look at me like that!” “How can you survive on that little amount of food?!!” Oh, Niall. “Just go get me it, please and thank you.” He smiled and kissed my forehead, then made his way to the kitchen.

The doorbell rang and I sprinted to it. Ashley stepped in right as I opened the door. “Ready?!” She said ecstatically. “Absolutely!” She followed me to my closet. “I have this blue and purple dress that I really like and Niall’s never seen it before. I also have a red, black, green, and silver one.”

I motioned to them with my hand. Ashley’s face was so excited. “I actually don’t think Niall’s seen any of these.” “I haven’t seen any of what?” Niall’s voice was coming closer. I ran out, found him, and covered his eyes. “Ahhh! Rapist!” He yelled loudly. I covered his mouth as Ashley shut the closet doors and stood behind me. I turned around and mouthed “Guard it”. She giggled and nodded.

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