Story of My Life

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"I'm glad to be home!" Niall exclaimed as he stepped through the front door with the other 4 boys trailing behind him. "Me too!" I ran over and he picked me up in his arms with a joyful laugh. "I don't want you guys to leave tomorrow," Ashley pouted and Harry kissed her cheek. "Shh, don't say that. Just think of now. I'm here and I'll never let you go for this duration," Harry's voice seemed to have gotten deeper. What?? We were only apart for 5 days.

"And how have you been, flower?" Louis smiled and I let go of Niall to squeeze Louis to death. "Damn, girl. Have you gotten stronger?" "I don't think so. Maybe you've just gotten weaker." "Excuuuuse me?!" I laughed at Louis' silliness and my eyes widened when I spotted Liam just behind him. Louis went over to talk to Ashley and Harry, so I awkwardly moved closer to Liam.

"Hey," I murmured softly, unsure if he'd been angry or not. "Can I talk to you?" His brown eyes watered and I nodded, leading him out of the living room and into the kitchen. "What's wrong?" He sighed once and laid a hand across his forehead as if he was experiencing a headache. "I've been a real jerk to everyone." I thought it'd be rude to agree so I just stayed silent.

 "I said things without thinking about what I was actually saying. I didn't seem to care about anything anymore. I'm finally realising now." "What do you mean?" "Yesterday, a girl who was maybe about 9 came up to me and took my hand in hers. She had these huge hazel eyes that stared at me while she whispered, "Why are you so sad, Liam?"

I nodded and he frowned. "I didn't even notice how angry and upset I'd become, but she did. She and all of the fans. My directioners. Seeing me sad made them sad, which in return made me sadder. I don't even know if that makes any sense. The point is that ever since I'd started dating Sophia, everything was about her. Relationships are supposed to be healthy though. You care about each other, but you don't forget your family. The lads are my family. You are. Directioners. I disappointed everyone, and I'm ashamed of how I've acted. I'm so sorry."

 "It wasn't entirely your fault. You just weren't in the right relationship, but at least you came to your senses. We all still love you so don't think that we don't. We were just worried for you. I'm happy now that you're back. The real you." "Thanks, Lily." Liam wrapped his strong arms around me and I patted his back as I hugged him. Having your big brother back feels amazing.

"Something's still hurting me though," he admitted. "What?" "Some of the fans always mention how they miss "Payzer". To be honest, I miss what Dani and I had too, but it's over. I've accepted it, and I wish they would too. The constant reminder is like a knife that was pulled out, just to be plunged in the same spot over and over again. I know they don't mean to hurt me though."

 "I'm sorry, Li. I've seen some of their comments on instagram and I know that they're bothering Dani too. Maybe I could talk to her. I'll have to anyways since she's invited to the wedding." He nodded and Liam's eyes watered again. My clear mind soon fell into sadness. I hated seeing him like this, or any of the boys.

"I'm just so happy for you, Lily. You and Niall. You have something that anyone would dream of having. I'm having a hard time believing that I'll ever have anything special like you guys do, but I'm hoping that I will, because you know what? We all see the way you look at each other. The way your breathing gets easier. You live for each other, but you're also strong on your own when you need to be. I want that someday, because a love like that never goes away."

My eyes teared up and I buried my face into Liam's chest as I cried. That was probably one of the most beautiful set of words anyone has ever spoken to me, aside from some things Niall's said. "Darling, are you alright?" Niall stepped into the kitchen and I wiped my eyes before relaxing into his arms. He kissed the top of my head and whispered that he loves me.

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