Now and Forever

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The crazy phsyco had a mask on so I couldn’t see who it was. All I knew was that he was strong, but he didn’t really hurt me. I tried to be as calm as I could manage while trying to figure out my escape plan. So far, he had dragged me into the living room and tied me to the couch. Very clever…not. What did he plan to do with me anyways?

I was just an ordinary girl, nothing special. The only thing that was actually special about me was my boyfriend. My boyfriend who was taken from me. I could feel a little crack in my heart. I should’ve saved him instead of being a wimp. What kind of girlfriend am I?

A pathetic one for sure. The creepy guy came up to me and watched me menacingly from behind that stupid mask. ”Who are you?!” Not a single word came from the guy until he finally muttered. “You’re actually taking this better than I thought you would.” What the heck was that supposed to mean?

”Why don’t you just kill me already?” I complained, a bit annoyed. Oh, yeah. Totally normal to be annoyed that this dude isn't killing me quick enough. ”Oh, you’ll see why.” Why did that voice sound familiar? It was deep and almost attractive. Ugh, now I’m going crazy. I have a wonderful boyfriend who I love, but I’m attracted to a killer. ”Your voice sounds strangely familiar.” I blurted.

He looked a different way and cussed. That’s definitely weird. I think this is all fake and the boys just set this up, because a month ago I got really mad at them and said ” If a murderer came here to attack you, I wouldn’t even think about helping you and I wouldn’t be scared for you at all.”

I’m not sure why I had said that, because I didn’t mean any of it. I guess I said it in the heat of the moment. It sounded stupid anyways; I’m so lame. ” Do you like One Direction?” I asked the weirdo. ” Well… hey stop distracting me!” Wow, that sounded like Harry.

This whole thing was so badly played out. I rolled my brown eyes and stood up. ”Sit down now or else!” I laughed; I could see curly hair poking out from the mask. ” What are you gonna do? Kill me with your curls or give me a death glare that you can barely hold for 2 seconds? Ooh I’m so scared…HARRY!”

”Ugh, I hate you!” Harry pulled off his mask and whined all the way to the game room. I can’t believe that was the best he could do. They actually thought they could fool me…well I guess I had been fooled at the beginning.

“Come on out you guys. You were awfully scary though.I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep alone tonight. I’ll need to have someone in my room with me.” Suddenly, Niall comes skipping down the hallway saying, “I volunteer as tribute!” Cute little Nialler.

”You guys seriously suck at acting. You may be the best singers on the planet, but you should NEVER try acting.” They all came out laughing. ”So what convinced you to do this?” ”Mostly boredom.” Zayn answered. I shook my head at them; I’ll get back at them soon enough…those jerks.

Harry sat beside me and untied me from the couch. ” I have to tell you something, Lily Carter.” He put on his serious face, but I could tell it was really hard for him to keep the face. He took a deep breath and started screaming,” OH MY GOD, HARRY HE’S BEING KILLED! YOU NEED TO GO SAVE HIM!” He laughed at me and I felt like slapping him.

”Admit it; you thought it was real at the beginning.” Harry said while laughing in between each word. ” Lily, this was not my idea. I thought it was rather rude of them to come up with this plan.” Liam informed me, trying to sound innocent. ”That’s why you didn’t tell me it wasn’t real, right? It wasn’t like I was freaking out or anything.” Liam grimaced and I found joy in making him feel ashamed. He knew he was in on it and decided not to tell me the truth, no matter what he felt was right or wrong.

Confusing Love (One Direction Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now