Forgotten Birthday

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I can't believe my best friends and my boyfriend forgot my birthday. I mean, am I being too selfish? It wouldn't really matter to me if it had been my 17th birthday, but really? My 18th birthday! I'm an adult now and they don't even know! It's actually shocking to think that they wouldn't remember, especially Niall. I guess he remembered last night, and distracted?

"Lily?" I heard Niall's soft voice and I picked my head up, my cheeks feeling wet. Oh gosh, had I been crying? My eyes scanned the kitchen and I noticed that all of them were staring at me with frowns and anxious eyes. "What?" I asked in a quiet voice. "Everything okay, Darling?" I felt Niall's hand rub my back comfortingly and I just looked down. I guess this day wasn't really that important anyways.

"It's..." I felt like shouting at them, but it's not really their faults. They just probably weren't paying attention. It's not like they hate me or anything like that. "..Nothing," I finished sadly. Niall's face leaned in closer, his warm, familiar breath on me. "What's wrong?" I shook my head and slowly got up, feeling their eyes glued to me in an awkward, uncomfortable way.

"Really, it's nothing guys. I'm just tired." "Oh, we understand. Couldn't sleep?" Louis joked lightheartedly, but no one laughed so his smile vanished as he went silent. "What are we doing today?" Ashley questioned, trying to take all the weird attention off of me. "We don't have much planned," Zayn announced, looking around the kitchen at different objects. Why is he acting so strange?

"I'm going to relax in the living room then." I shuffled over and plopped down on the floor not even bothering the couch, feeling like an unwanted loser. Part of me wished to be alone, but then they followed me and all took different seats on the floor and couches. Liam cleared his throat, paused for a few seconds, and cleared his throat again. My moping head perked up and watched him questioningly. He then cleared his throat again, beginning to annoy me.

After clearing his throat for the 4th freaking time, that's when I snapped. "What do you want to say, Liam?!" He swayed lightly in the place were he sat, and rose up, standing before everyone. "I have to go somewhere..." No one said anything. "And Niall is coming with me." I sighed and laid back, hitting the floor and not even caring.

"I'm sorry," Liam apologized nervously and Niall got up. "I'm going to get changed." "Maybe you should join him, Lily," Louis winked at me and I glared back. "You know you really aren't funny at all. You're just irritating. Have you noticed that NO ONE is laughing?!" My comment made him pout and Eleanor sent me a quizzical yet upset glance.

Liam and Niall left the room and there was an awkward silence. Soon, Zayn, Eleanor, and Louis disappeared too, leaving me, Harry, Ashley, and Dani alone. "I'm going to see what Liam is up to," Dani mentioned before ditching too. I felt bad for yelling at Louis, but I couldn't help my bad attitude. I just thought they would remember.

"You know what?" Ashley began. "What?" Harry and I asked at the same time. "We should go out, just the 3 of us." "That sounds good to me," Harry answered. "Are you sure you want me there?" Harry smiled cheekily and nodded while Ashley nodded along too. "Where?"

"You'll see, just get ready."


"Oh look at you, going all fashionista on us," Ashley commented as I stepped out of my room. I laughed, rolling my eyes and grabbing my purse and phone. I decided that since it was my birthday, even if no one knew it, I'd still want to look extra special.

I wore my Aztec patterned, multi-colored, tie front shirt along with my dark skinny jeans. I also had on my black suede lace up wedge ankle boots on. I admit, my outfit is cute, and it's not outrageous or anything. I had simple black eyeliner, mascara, and a little blush for my makeup. "So now what?"

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