Toy Story Party

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"Stupid, stupid, stupid. I am so stupid. We all are." Zayn, Harry, Louis and I were all sitting down at the table outside while Niall and Liam were making hamburgers and hotdogs. "How so?" Zayn asked, probably a little hurt that I so rudely called him stupid. Shouldn't they have known though?! God, I feel like such an idiot!! "The Take Me Home Tour isn't over!" I shouted, a bit too loudly. I quickly apologized and sipped my orange soda so I wouldn't have to talk.

"Wait what?" Niall turned around from the grill and his eyebrows rose in surprise. "The Take Me Home-" "No, I heard you. I just don't understand..." "Me either," Harry agreed. "It says here that your tour continues on September 23," I explained with a frown. Yeah, it's cool that their tour continues, but what about the wedding?! "Where?" Liam wanted to know. "In Australia," I informed.

"How did none of us know this?" Louis sounded a little irritated. I would be too if I were him, I mean shouldn't they know when they're touring? "Are you sure about this?" Harry countered me. "Well, read this," I showed him my phone and the page that said Australian directioners can't wait to see the boys.

"I bet management knew and didn't tell us. They wanted to make us feel like we had a long break, when in reality, we don't." Liam cursed under his breath and flipped burgers to keep him distracted. "This is so screwed up!" Louis' voise rose. "Of course, we're happy that we get to perform, but we thought we had longer time to ourselves," Zayn spoke up quietly.

"Niall," his name came out of my mouth in a worried manner and he turned from the grill once more. "Our wedding?" He gulped and mumbled something I couldn't hear. "Yeah, mate? You can't move the wedding now." Louis wasn't really helping at this moment. "What date is the wedding again?" Harry wondered. Liam, aka Daddy Direction, gasped at him and shook his head, disapproving of Harry's ignorance.

"October 7th," Liam told him in a way that said, "You better remember it". Today is August 18th, about a week after I thought the tour had ended. "It just so happens that after October 6th, we have a break until the 10th, so your wedding would be alright. The only problem is...what about your honeymoon? You're having one, right?" Harry watched me with green eyes that were nervous for me and Niall.

"Yes, we are," Niall responded through gritted teeth; completely braceless teeth might I add. "Niall, it's okay if we go without one I guess." Niall was glaring at no one in particular, probably glaring at management mentally. "We are having one, Lily! This is special to me and I know it's special to you! Ugh, this ruins everything!" His fingers raked through his blonde hair as he got angrier by the second.

"You'll figure it out," Louis encouraged. I know he was trying to be nice, but he really shouldn't have said that. "Easy enough for you to say! You don't have to deal with the stress of a wedding!" Niall spat out at Louis and stomped into the house. Harry stood and offered to help Liam finish the food while I went inside to help Niall calm down.

"Fuck this! Ughhh!!" I found Niall just as he kicked a chair in the kitchen out of annoyance. "Nialler?" My voice was now small, as I was afraid of making him even more raged. His blue eyes flashed to me and I slowly watched the anger melting away as he stared at me with fondness. "I'm so sorry, Lily. Sometimes, I wish I wasn't famous. I could have a normal life with you and it wouldn't be so hard. I'm sorry. So, so sorry. This is all my fault," he cried.

I went over and rubbed his back comfortingly. "Shh, Niall. If this relationship was easy, it wouldn't be nearly as fun." He smiled lightly at my attempt to make a joke. "It makes us stronger, what we go through, because we go through it together. That's what being a couple is about; moving past our struggles because we love each other that much. Louis was right. We'll figure this out."

"I don't know if we'll be able to be married in Ireland anymore," Niall whispered sadly. "Don't worry about it. We can get married in Australia instead. Once, during sophmore year, I researched Australia and learned about Fraser Island. It's just beautiful and the beaches are perfect. I think it would be a lovely place to be married at."

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