Revealing X (Part 2)

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Ashley's P.O.V.

"OH MY GOD! NIALL!!" I yelled at Niall as I hugged him tightly. This is my chance to get away from X!!! His face didn't look happy though. He just looked knackered and worry was etched all across. "Let's go!" He whispered before untangling himself from my grasp.

He led me out of the room that I had no idea how I'd gotten in, and we began literally bolting to get out of there. "Which way?!" I asked as we came to 3 different routes. I'm really hating Ed Sheeran's house right now.

"This way!" Niall directed as he pulled me to the left. We sprinted down the hallway and found ourselves in the ball room...where Zayn had kissed me. Ugh, I need to forget that, no matter how much I enjoyed it...sorry I'm still an extreme directioner. The room was so dark without the strobe lights and disco balls reflecting different, bright rays everywhere. I blinked and noticed that I'd been spacing out.

"Oh god...Niall?!" I could hear the hysterics in my voice. My head looked a bunch of different ways, but I couldn't find him. We'd been separated!

Eleanor's P.O.V.

Louis Tomlinson...the one I want to marry and be with forever...ripped from me again. What did I do to deserve this?!!! I continued running, because I couldn't turn back. I knew that X had taken him, and I would be too weak to help. I need to find the boys!

I just want Louis back. Please, I just need him here with me. I can't bear the thought of him being gone. I began praying to whoever would listen; whoever's out there. I moved my arms back and forth while I ran. Maybe it would help me go faster.

I need to stop thinking and just GO! My clumsiness got in the way though, and my feet gave out from beneath me. I fell and landed on my knees and the palms of my hands, preventing me from hurting my face. "Eleanor, get up." I imagined Louis begging me to stand. I couldn't get up the strength, so what did I do instead?

I sat down and cried for Louis. I cried for Lily and Ashley. I cried for everyone who'd had to deal with X. I cried for myself too, even though I knew I shouldn't. The tears turned from sad ones to angry ones. Who did X think she was?!

Hurting people like that for fun is just sick and evil. "You're right." Someone familiar said. "X is sick and evil, and crying isn't going to make her stop." I looked up from where I sat on the ground with my head towards the floor, and noticed legs in front of me.

My head immediately snapped upwards to see Liam's concerned face watching me. "Liam?!" I yelled and then jumped up and hugged him, squeezing him tightly. "Um,'re...kind" Liam let out, his face turning slightly red.

I let go and gave him a small "sorry" before hugging him again. "Liam, you have to help me! Louis...X took him from me right when we were leaving." My voice cracked and I sighed.

"We've been looking for you this whole time and then X takes Louis?! What is her problem?! She's absolutely mad!!" I nodded instead of speaking, because I'd probably start crying again if I tried to talk about X and Louis. "Where's everyone else?" I said with a panicked tone.

"I'm here, but we don't know where everyone else is," announced Zayn as he joined us. Thank god that it wasn't just me and Liam. It's better having more people around. "You know what we should do?" Liam asked. "Go find them?"

I suggested with a little sarcasm in my voice. I was tired like everyone else, and I was very sassy...just like Louis. Liam just pouted and I instantly regretted being sarcastic. "I'm sorry, Liam." I said in a soft, apologetic voice.

He answered with a small smile before speaking. "We should call the police, like we should've done earlier." Wow! Why didn't anyone do that before?! Zayn and I eagerly agreed and Liam got out his phone.

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