Our Story

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Niall's P.O.V. 

"Lily, are you there?" I repeated my question but still didn't hear an answer. What if she was in trouble?! Anything could happen after the events this year. "I need to find her. Something could be wrong," I told the lads. "What if she just accidentally called you? It's happened before, right?" I nodded and sunk down into a nearby chair. "I can't help being worried though."

The 3 of them nodded their heads, understanding what I meant. "Did you hang up and try calling again?" "Well, no. She hasn't hung up yet." "And you didn't hear her say anything? Were there any sounds at all?" Liam questioned. I shook my head slowly.

"Well, there you have it. It was a butt dial," Louis assured. "Wait though," Zayn warned suddenly. "What is it?!" I grew 10 times more anxious as I saw him tense up. "Zayn, quit teasing the poor boy," Louis patted my head but Zayn didn't relax. "Just say it, Zayn," Liam voiced.

"What if she heard our conversation? The conversation."

"She couldn't have."


"Lily, please answer me. It's important," I left her the 8th message and decided this obviously wasn't going to work. "Try calling Harry," Liam offered. "Good idea," I acknowledged before dialing his number. "Harry?" I said when I heard him pick up. "Did you find her?!" He shouted unexpectedly. "Who? Lily?! Is she alright?!" "She left around 45 minutes ago. I think she's planning on going home."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "No, you don't get it. I think she's either going back to her own house...or she's going back home. Back to America!" I felt like my world was crashing and burning down on me. Lily couldn't possibly do that! "What should I do?!" I actually wanted to scream at him for not following her, but I couldn't worry about that right now. I quickly hung up and realised...

I needed to go after the love of my life.

"Louis, Zayn, Liam?" They appeared in front of me, waiting for what I was going to say. "I'm going to make sure Lily isn't as crazy as Harry is making her out to be. Could you still set up everything though?" They agreed thoughtfully and I raced off to Lily's home. I hope she's actually there.

Lily's P.O.V.

"I have an idea," I told myself. I had cleaned my whole house, making everything extra neat and spotless. Next, I had put new flowers in the pretty, spotted, purple vase on the table in my living room. It was nice being here again, but also very lonely. I turned on the radio to a decent volume and began making cookies. You see, I'm not so good with this. Girls aren't supposed to propose to their boyfriends. So why am I?

I love all of those classic love stories. Girl and boy fall in love, complications arise, you think they're never going to have a happy ending, but then they almost always do. The boy proposes and the girl either says yes, or she wants to wait a bit.

Those stories are what every girl dreams of having for herself. Maybe some details might be a little different based on their personality, but love is basically essential in life. Of course, I've thought about getting married since I was little. Always wondering who I'd end up with and spend the rest of my life with. It's a little scary to think about, but also very exciting.

I want Niall to be the one who's shocked. I want our story to be different from everyone else's. I want us to be remembered as something unique and special. Maybe one day if we had kids, we would tell them our story, and then wish for them to create their own. It should be easier, because I have more confidence. Niall was going to propose to me, so hopefully that meant he actually wanted to marry me.

Anyways, I know I'm supposed to make the scene beautiful and magical. Something he'll cherish forever, but again, this is our amazing story. Our original story. I'm going to act normal, ignoring the fact that my hands are shaking like crazy and I'm still upset. My friends are still oblivious to my 18th birthday. If this day wasn't about me, I was going to make it about Niall.

I need some quick advice though. "Hello?" Her melodic voice rang delicately through the phone. I missed her so much. "Hi, mom."


"Are you sure about this though? He's the one?" "He's the one, mom. I love him." I heard her sniffling from the other side of the phone. "Okay, baby. I trust you. He's a good man." I smiled as tears streamed down my face. "Did you get the present from me and Dad?" "Present?" "Well of course, silly. It's your 18th birthday after all!" I felt like jumping for joy. At least my parents remembered! "You don't know how happy I am to hear that from you! No one remembered!"

"Oh, Lily. You always were so sweet and clueless." "Mom!" I complained. She laughed with delight. "They were probably just making it seem that way because they were going to surprise you, but that didn't come from me." "Really?" I asked in a surprised voice that was weirdly an octave higher than usual.

"Yes, your friends love you. They wouldn't forget. Well, you best keep getting ready for Niall. Good luck, sweet heart. Love you. Happy Birthday." I replied with an "Okay, love you" before she hung up.


I forcefully moved my piano outside in the grass and set it all up. My mom gave me the idea of playing my piano and singing a song for him. I came up with the perfect song and she helped me with the "notes". I really hope Niall won't think this is stupid. I'm scared out of my mind.

But I love him entirely, and that's all that matters.

Niall's P.O.V.

I rang Lily's doorbell and knocked a few times, but wasn't welcomed by her bright, beautiful face. I absent mindedly twisted the knob on the door and the door opened. That's not very safe, I noted mentally. "Lily!?" I called out into her house, but only heard my echoing voice. My eyes searched around and I noticed something odd. I walked over to the wall on the side of the entry way and picked a sticky note off the wall.

"There's a dream that I've been chasing. Want so badly for it to be reality." I smiled at her familiar cursive handwriting and the lyrics to Justin Bieber's song, "Never Let You Go". At the bottom of the writing, there was an arrow that pointed to the kitchen. I skipped over and spied the next sticky note. This one was larger.

"When I look at you, I see forgiveness. I see the truth. You love me for who I am. Like the stars hold the moon. Right there where they belong, and I know I'm not alone."

I smiled lightly and focused on the arrow pointing to the living room. Another sticky note was stuck to a purple vase that held white roses.

"You by the light is the greatest find. In a world full of wrong, you're the thing that's right."

The arrow that came with this one pointed me to the dining room.

"You're the one I want and it's not just a phase. You're the one I trust, our love is the real thing."

My eyes flickered down to the arrow pointing to the door that led outside. I made my way over, carefully opening the door and peeking my head out. My eyes immediately gazed at her from where she sat, brushing her hair back over her shoulder.

Her arms reached out as she ran her fingers over the white piano keys. She made the sound so soft that I could barely hear anything. It was hard for me to take my eyes off of her, but I was wondering if there was another sticky note. As I stepped out of her house and onto the patio, I turned around and saw the next sticky note on the door.

"I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling, don't be afraid. I have loved you for a thousand years. I'll love you for a thousand more."

The final arrow pointed behind me, where I knew she was. I spun around and locked eyes with her. Her stunning smile played on her lips and I had the urge to run over and kiss her. So, that's what I did.


I guess this was a filler chapter haha. You guys might think it was really cheesy, but I liked it.

So, what's going to happen if Lily and Niall are both planning to propose?! Chaos?

I can't wait until the next chapter! Ahh it's going to be so perfect! <3

I hope you don't think I'm dragging her birthday out.

Well, I'm really scared...piano recital today! I really don't want to mess up!


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