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"What happened?"

"The CEO Kim Namjoon disappeared." Jeongguk spoke, loading his gun and clicking it. "I'm finding him if no one's going to help."

"We can help." Seokjin said, knitting his brows. "Why wouldn't we? We're cops."

"Hyung, I know that but..." Jeongguk sighed, looking at the older. "I'm his bodyguard and I failed him. He's gone because I wasn't there to protect him."

"It's okay, Jeongguk." He placed his hand on his shoulder. "It's not your fault. You were off duty. He won't hate you for that."

"He will." He moved his hand off him. "I wasn't there for him when he needed me the most." Jeongguk's brows curled. "He got hurt because of me."


"What!?" Jeongguk yelled.

"Calm the fuck down!" The older grabbed his shoulders. "Pull yourself together man! Alright? We'll find him, not on your own. Just..keep yourself calm throughout. Do you understand?"

Jeongguk sighs, removing his arms off his shoulders. "Fine. I understand. I'll try my best to stay calm."

"Good. Keep your head up." He hits his shoulder. "Don't let Kim's disappearance fuck up your emotions. Focus, Jeon. You're better than this."

Jeongguk sits down on the chair, gulping hard. "Okay. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. C'mon, we need to find him. No breaks."

Jeongguk looked at him. "No breaks?"

Seokjin smiled. "No breaks. Unless it's needed."

They searched everywhere. It's been hours and it was hurting Jeongguk.

He looked at the camera's that was installed in Namjoon's home and noticed a black van. Not like those usual rapey vans, a much smaller version. Jeongguk didn't sleep. Seokjin passed out. He got the license plate of the van, seeing the CEO being thrown into the back of it. He already told Seokjin about it.

Jeongguk found the location, leaving by himself.

He took a small black car, hiding in the shadows so no one will notice him. Jeongguk kept a gun and all sorts of stuff on himself, hiding under his jacket. He found the black van, sneaking up on it and hoping the older is in there. The windows were blocked, he couldn't see the inside of the back of it.

Jeongguk went to the back of the van, grabbing the type of tool to unlock doors that isn't a key. He shoved it between the lock, breaking it and pulling it out. Both of the doors opened, Jeongguk pulling them open more and hoping Namjoon is okay.

There he is.

"Namjoon!" Jeongguk immediately crawled into the van, stopping at the unconscious older. "Hyung! Hyung." He picked him up from the ground and shook the older, hoping he'll wake up.

Namjoon slowly opened his eyes, making him feel relieved that he's okay and alive. Jeongguk didn't care and touch his skin, his forehead bleeding. Namjoon was cuffed from the front, ankles and wrists together. His clothes were slightly torn apart, bloody from his head and his wrists and ankles from the cuffs.

"It's okay, you're okay, I'm here." Jeongguk softly spoke, moving his hair out of his face and pressing a certain button on his shirt. "Don't worry."

"J-Jeon..." Namjoon weakly spoke, eyes squinting from waking up. "Y-You..."

"It's going to be alright. I called for help." Jeongguk took out his tool again to help and take the cuffs off.

"N..No co-cops."

"Hyung, I have no other choice." He took both of the cuffs apart, ankles and wrists. "They're going to help you no matter what."

Namjoon ignored the fact that he was kidnapped, still saying no to the cops. Jeongguk started to hear sirens, sighing in relief and looked at the older. The space was too small, he had to get Namjoon out of this small space so he won't feel more claustrophobic.

Jeongguk puts his arm under the older's knees, putting his arm behind his back. "Hold on, Hyung. I'm getting you out of this damn vehicle."

The older gulped hard and shakily put his arms around the officer's neck, getting a grip on him. Namjoon didn't care at this moment. The touching didn't matter right now, his life mattered. Jeongguk scooted out of the vehicle, keeping his grip as he got him out of the van.

"Where's your pain?" He asked, carefully lowering down to the ground to check the wounds.

"" Namjoon gulped hard as the officer softly grabbed his arm and looked at his wrists, the older having his head rested on his shoulder.

"Don't worry. The ambulance is coming." Jeongguk softly said, putting his arm back where it was.


"Yeah?" He looked at him.

"D-Don't let go of m-me."

Jeongguk curled his brows, lifting his hand up to the side of his face. "I won't. I won't let go of you."

Namjoon couldn't help to tear up, Jeongguk wiping them away for him. The older took slow breaths, being held by the younger and trying his best to ignore the pain from where he said the pain is at.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you." Jeongguk whispered, holding him close. "I'm really sorry."

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