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Taehyung kicks Jeongguk's stomach. "Trying to trick me!? Thinking I'll go soft on you!?"

Jeongguk coughs up blood, spitting it out and wiping his mouth. "I-I'm not. I don't tr-trick."

"You fucking asshole!" Taehyung kicks him again, pointing the gun at his thigh. "You don't even realize who you're dealing with!"

"Pl-Please stop..." Jeongguk begs once more, clutching onto his stomach. "Y-You can' this."

"I can. And you can't stop me. You're too weak to even fight back." Taehyung moves the gun away and reaches down to the male, grabbing him by the neck. "Do you want to know how it feels to be choked to death?" Taehyung laughs, lifting him up from laying down on the ground.

Jeongguk grabs the male's wrist, cleaning his jaw.

Taehyung grips his neck harder, dropping the gun to reach over to Jeongguk's face. "Your eyes were always pretty..I'll just take one with my bare hands." He roughly says, reaching to the male's eye.

Jeongguk closes his eyes tight but that didn't stop Taehyung. He jabs his thumb onto his eye, digging his nails on the side of his head and under his eye. Jeongguk yells out in pain, feeling like there's a knife stabbing into his eye.

They were finally interrupted.

Yoongi immediately went after Taehyung and pulled him off Jeongguk, throwing him to the side and cocked his shotgun, hitting him with the handle at first. Jeongguk falls back down on the ground, having troubles to breathe and continues to groan in pain, lifting a hand up to cover his eye. Namjoon quickly went over to the younger, going down on his knees.

"J-Jeongguk." Namjoon quickly starts to take off his jacket, putting it around his bullet wound in his leg and tying it tight. "It's going to be okay. You'll be okay, I promise you."

"N-Namjoon? H-How did you—"

"Yoongi opened up to me. He's helping us, for real this time. It's all Taehyung's doing. He's the reason why we're here, not Yoongi." Namjoon says, helping him sit up from the ground so his wounded head doesn't get any worse. "Shit, your eye—"

A bullet suddenly pierces through the back of Namjoon's shoulder blade, making him jerk forward and almost hit the floor beside Jeongguk. Turns out, while Taehyung was busy being attacked by Yoongi, Taehyung was able to take out his handgun and hit Namjoon. Thankfully, his aim was way off.

"N-Namjoon!" Jeongguk panics, knowing he could barely see what's happening.

Namjoon groans badly, clutching onto his forearm from the bullet now in his shoulder. "I-I'm fine." He shakily takes a deep breath, clenching his jaw. "We'll w-worry about me later, okay?"

"Y-You got shot." The younger still worries, placing a soft hand on his forearm to know that he's still there. "You can't ignore it."

"Jeongguk, you can't see out of your right eye. H-He almost killed you and I-I thought he wouldn't." He softly started to pet his hair.

"I kept..." He gulps hard. "I kept re-refusing. He gave up from keeping me alive and st-started to attack me." Jeongguk shakily says, gripping the older's shirt. "I-I thought he wouldn't kill me."

A loud shotgun sound.
Both of the male's flinched, Namjoon hiding his and Jeongguk's head from the loud sound. Namjoon shakily moved his hand away and looked up from what happened.

Yoongi's on his feet with a shotgun still in hand while Taehyung was shoved in a corner, the big bullets that came out a shotgun pierced through his body. Yoongi shakily breathes, dropping his shotgun and moves his hand to cover his side. Taehyung stabbed him and cut him a few times while they fought. Namjoon sighs in relief, relieved that Yoongi survived through the fought.

Yoongi uses his other hand to get his speaker out of his pocket to see that it broke while fighting with Taehyung. He scoffs and throws the speaker, looking at Namjoon and curling up a soft smile. He signs with his one hand; 'I have won' then puts a thumbs up to him since he doesn't know what he said.

Namjoon softly nods. "Thank you, Yoongi."

Yoongi softly smiles, reaching down to his pocket to grab a folded piece of paper—

The worst part finally occurred. That one bullet ruins a life.

"Yoongi!" Namjoon cries out, tears quickly welding up his eyes.

Yoongi hits the ground, blood flowing out of his head and the paper falling out of his hand. Taehyung was still alive and managed to grab his handgun and pull the trigger at the side of his head. Taehyung's blood kept flooding out that he drops the handgun and takes his last breath, his pulse finally stopping. And this time, he never can come back.

Jeongguk shakily reaches up to put and arm around the older's neck, lowering him to softly pull him close. Namjoon closes his eyes tight, resting his chin down on Jeongguk's shoulder.

"H-He can rest now." Jeongguk shakily says.

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